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firewall blocking incoming Punters Lounge requests


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Hi, having just got rid of Norton ("take over everything and stop your computer shutting down") Internet security and shoved on McAfee Firewall I was interested to see a number of incoming blocked events registered - an example one shown below but several other ones were detected and blocked....

A computer at punterslounge.com has attempted an unsolicited connection to TCP port 1360 on your computer. TCP port 1360 is commonly used by the "MIMER" service or program.
Any details on what these are and what I might be missing by not letting these through. I'm assuming of course that they are non-threatening. :unsure
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Re: firewall blocking incoming Punters Lounge requests As an aside the reason I got rid of Norton was that it was proving a major obstacle in allowing me to access several poker sites consistently. Ift suddenly took offense to Betfred which had been working for ages and only way to get back in was to switch Nortons firewall off .

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