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Freeroll Tonight


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Re: Freeroll Tonight

That doesn't sound very valiant. Can't imagine Sir Lancelot calling Queen Guinevere a daft tart.
Hmm. Can't really argue with that sentiment, but I can assure you that were Guinevere like PocketLady King Arthur and Sir Lancelot would be fighting over her. "You have her." "No. You" "Look, I've got my round table and a wizard AND I'm your boss. You GOTTA take her cos I say so." "No" "Pleeeaaase" "Fcuk this I'm off on some quest...." King Arthur probably threw the sword into the lake so he didn't use it on her.
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Re: Freeroll Tonight

Hmm. Can't really argue with that sentiment, but I can assure you that were Guinevere like PocketLady King Arthur and Sir Lancelot would be fighting over her. "You have her." "No. You" "Look, I've got my round table and a wizard AND I'm your boss. You GOTTA take her cos I say so." "No" "Pleeeaaase" "Fcuk this I'm off on some quest...." King Arthur probably threw the sword into the lake so he didn't use it on her.
Your turn, Mrs V. Has he ironed all the dishcloths yet?
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