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September MTT - Monday 12th - 18:25 BST - Leg 2


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Re: September MTT - Monday 12th - 18:25 BST - Leg 2 1st hand i Flopped a straight (with 2 spades on the flop), there was a decent pot of over 500 chips and virtually everyone at the table was still in the pot, so not wanting to give anyone a cheap draw i went all-in. I had 1 caller with a flush draw which of course he made on the river. :cry

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Re: September MTT - Monday 12th - 18:25 BST - Leg 2 nice one gaf.. im soon out.. went all in with 33, got called by KQs.. he got his K on turn.. GREAT... at this very moment im moved to another table, and get hits by blinds in 2hands.. Just had blinds on the last table... :(

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Re: September MTT - Monday 12th - 18:25 BST - Leg 2 I'm out 1 after you GAF I'm on BB, 1 person raises all in, SB calls i only had a few hundred chips left with K5s so thought i'd give it a bash They both turn over A9o, i think i may have a chance but nope **** all comes out on the board for me. Turning point earlier in the game when i raised all in with AJs i think it was, everyone folds round to BB who calls me which puts him all in. He turns over 78o and picks up a 7 along the way which puts me down to a couple of hundred :(

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