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Is this the play of a naive player??

Bruise Pristene

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ok holding K6 flop comes KK3 I raise, players all fold except one who calls next its KK36 in middle, I raise player reraised, I called next its KK36J I bet, he goes all in, I match him, he turns over KJ is it unlucky, or naive of me not spotting the Jack on the board gives a potential better full house than mine? surely (well it was my thinking) that holdin a full house has me in a strong position and I should bet aggressively, but this has knocked my confidence

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Re: Is this the play of a naive player?? Only thing I would argue maybe should have been done differently - before the river, he reraised you and you checked - you held the nuts - you should have raised him aggressively again - if you had been lucky, he would have realised he was beat and wouldn't have paid to see the last card (though sounds like he would at the very least called, and maybe reraised - in which case the end result would have been the same....)........ You were extremely unlucky.......

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Re: Is this the play of a naive player?? I also think you should have raised him.. But with that flop, you aint gonna get a KKK with J kicker to lay down... Only way that could happend was with big raise pre flop, that could make him believe you had AK or KQ.. I think you was unlucky here, and it was just ment for you to loose here. :sad

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Re: Is this the play of a naive player??

Only thing I would argue maybe should have been done differently - before the river, he reraised you and you checked - you held the nuts - you should have raised him aggressively again - if you had been lucky, he would have realised he was beat and wouldn't have paid to see the last card (though sounds like he would at the very least called, and maybe reraised - in which case the end result would have been the same....)........ You were extremely unlucky.......
Looking at it from the other players view, and pretending I know what I'm talking about. He has KJ bruise has K6. With a flop of KK3 surely bruise is the very slight underdog as there are no more K's (even though I've played a hand with 6 Aces-honest), so the other has a better kicker. Even with a turn of 6 the other guy (even though WE know he's losing) is going to be confident enough to match any call surely. It would take professional intuition to lay down 3K's wouldn't it? It would be easier and shorter to have said I agree with Staffy and Cains, but as a novice I need to practice with the thinking in theoretical situations (hope you don't mind bruise), hence the long-winded post.
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Re: Is this the play of a naive player?? My thinking would be, an all in on the turn, he knows you've a) either hit it b) have a good kicker (Q or A) in this situation and we all know how people hold onto As. c) that you're bluffing - remember he doesn't know there's a K in the other hand, particularly given the not overly strong betting pattern earlier. Now from his seat, it's 15/1 to hit a jack on the river, so a large bet isn't justified with the odds if a) is true, though not everyone works with odds that well. Likewise, it's a big risk if b) is true. So only if he thinks c) is on the cards is he definitely going to call else pot odds v river odds just don't match up. However, most I've come across online in the poker rooms tend to work on adrenaline and gut feeling, so science really doesn't raise its head much whereas luck does as they won't let go. On balance I'd probably assume c) and call, but only because the betting wasn't more aggressive on the flop. Having said that, I picked up a FH As full of Js yesterday on the flop when in the last two of a one table tourney. Knowing he would fold if I reacted I checked twice and waited for him to hit something and go all in, which he did after the turn. Then again, I had the luxury there of knowing I'd won the hand, just had to calm down and let him think he was dominant.

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