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Help for to play better..


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As some of you know i had a long loosing spell, couple of month ago.. But after a break from poker, and keeping record on all my play now. Things it going better.. But when i play, i always fear that my opponents have the only 2 cards in the deck to kill me.. And therefor i make some wrong decisions.. Here i will post a typical example. Where i need some good advice on how i withdraw the most money from my opponents in these situation..

 joejoe667 posts the small blind of $.10.
 	 cains posts the big blind of $.25.
 	 boldaslove posts out of turn for $.25.
 	 GregorMortis posts out of turn for $.25.
 	 hontoo:  -- --
 	 boldaslove:  -- --
 	 JeremyScott:  -- --
 	 GregorMortis:  -- --
 	 PAPAF:  -- --
 	 joejoe667:  -- --
 	 cains:  Kd 9d
 	 olejohns:  -- --
 	 MrBuffalo:  -- --
 	 orangehanul:  -- --
 		  olejohns folds.   MrBuffalo folds.   orangehanul calls.
 		    hontoo folds.   boldaslove checks.   JeremyScott
 		  folds.   GregorMortis checks.   PAPAF calls.  
 		  joejoe667 calls.   cains checks.   
 Flop (board: 5s 7d 3d):
 		  joejoe667 checks.   cains checks.   orangehanul checks.
 		    boldaslove bets $.25.   GregorMortis calls.   PAPAF
 		  calls.   joejoe667 calls.   cains calls.   orangehanul
 Turn (board: 5s 7d 3d Ad):
 		  joejoe667 checks.   cains checks.   orangehanul checks.
 			boldaslove bets $1.75.   GregorMortis raises to
 		  $3.50.   PAPAF folds.   joejoe667 folds.   cains
 		  re-raises to $8.   orangehanul folds.   boldaslove
 		  folds.   GregorMortis folds.   cains is returned $4.50

I know for sure that i played this wrong to get more money.. But somehow i always fear trips from the opponents, so a matching card on the table will give the full house, and i then loose instead.. Couse that is what always happend to me, when i had my bad spell..

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Re: Help for to play better.. Hey mate, Glad to hear you are back on the winning track :) I remember you telling me about a lot of losing sessions you had :o. In this example here I think the flop play is fine. A semibluff here is a bad idea as you are not only in a bad position, but also against multiple opponents. You did well by just checking and calling the small bet, letting others in as well and pricing your draw correctly. Now the turn hits and you have the nuts - what to do? A lot of players here would do what you did and check it. This is not really a horrible play but it has several problems. First of all, if someone has a second best hand like a smaller flush you are missing going up against them by leading out (and them then raising...comitting themselves more) and secondly, when you check-raise your hand is pretty obvious to a decent player. Of course what actually happened is you ended up putting in the second raise (reraising or however you want to put it), this alerted the other two to your hand and caused them to fold. Also, if as you feared, someone has a set and is drawing to a FH you are giving them a chance to check for free and snap it off on you when you check - you dont want to do this and should charge them for it. What would probably have been a better play here is to lead out and bet. Hardly any players lead out with the nuts when they make it so it certainly can entice some calls that way as many people wont believe you. You will be charging the sets to draw to a FH and.....the biggest factor IMO...at the lower limits (and on the net in general) people love to CALL CALL CALL. Take advantage of this and bet your good hands hard. In this situation you might well have got a raise and a reraise after your lead out, a raise and a flat call or a flat call and a raise. Who knows, but I feel you have your hand slightly more disguised and your opponents a bit more commited had you played it this way. Anyway hope this is ok mate...im away to write my vegas report now! Jez

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