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Nothing could be further from the truth.


I'm mainly an exchange punter but I thought I'd open another online account with a well known bookmaker.


I had tried to open an account with them a while back but because of my location at the time it wasn't possible.


However I tried again and opened an account successfuly.


Expecting a new account incentive.......nope i got nothing.


I place a couple of bets and took prices on both.


Both horses won at longer odds but I was paid at the odds I had taken despite them advertising BOG every day.


I do some research and find out they do so only at their discretion.


Fantastic they can advertise BOG but don't have to give you it.


How on earth do they get away with it is what I would like to know.


Is there no advertising standards to control these bookies from acting like crooks?

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3 hours ago, Fist2k8 said:

I do some research and find out they do so only at their discretion.

Fantastic they can advertise BOG but don't have to give you it.

Do you mean they apply discretion in terms of which races BOG applies to or which punters are allowed it? If the former I'd have expected it to be fairly clear which races it does and doesn't apply to at the point of placing the bet and if the latter I'd expect you to have been informed when opening your account. Would be out of order if they left you to guess!

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Has no one realised yet ....its a free for all out there ...every man for himself .....no one seems to be sticking to rules ....everyone is pulling a scam ....even on watchdog the other night ....a funeral plan had on the front cover of their plan if you want yo withdraw your money at any point you can ...but when someone rang to withdraw they said sorry if so many people withdrew in same year we don't pay out .....we changed it retrospective.....and no one does anything about it .....my advice ....its fallout 3 ?.....so just strap on your body armour and sock it up buttercup....???

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12 hours ago, harry_rag said:

Do you mean they apply discretion in terms of which races BOG applies to or which punters are allowed it? If the former I'd have expected it to be fairly clear which races it does and doesn't apply to at the point of placing the bet and if the latter I'd expect you to have been informed when opening your account. Would be out of order if they left you to guess!

They now tell me they don't offer BOG unless you live in the UK.

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Bookmakers are like any other business, out to make money. Unfortunately, some lure you in but don't like it if you win.

They offer early prices for just 1 reason ... take small bets and get their card marked.

If you were backing greyhounds, it is the fastest way to get restricted, a couple of winners and the dreaded 'referred to trader' ... you want £50 at the advertised odds of 3/1 ... you can have £2.60 and the rest at S.P. (if you are lucky).

(54) BEN KEITH from Star Sports on the Sky Racing Debate - YouTube

Ben Keith, probably one of the bigger track bookmakers (does also have shops), basically saying that if you want to get on, it needs to be close to the off. That's why many 'gambles' these days are late movers IMO. They are no longer bookmakers with an opinion, they are number crunching accountants.

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12 hours ago, Pirate53 said:

Use a vpn, Then they won't know where you are.

There's a problem doing that. long story for a shortcut:-

When I opened the account they asked for name and address DOB and mobile number,

I prepay my mobile while those that get billed start with 081- mines does not.

For that reason my registration was knocked back.

I contacted them and they asked for a copy of my passport and they would revise my account

I sent it and immediately they allowed me to register...They changed my number to a prefix of 081- 

Great but why? They want the business.

I hit a winning run and thought how do you withdraw.

This is where your VPN fails.....They ask for proof of address like a bank statement or a translated into English utility bill certified by a JOP






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My passport ran out last week and as I don't intend to travel abroad again I'm not going to renew

I don't have a driving license or a mobile phone

Basically I don't have any ID which they would accept

So I reckon the next time they ask me to verify my identity I'll probably have to give up, try and withdraw whatever money I've got in the account and call it a day ......... I suppose I could always go back to cash betting in a local betting shop but that would involve much less betting as it's a hassle to keep going out if something catches your fancy

Maybe I could become one of those old blokes who hangs around in the betting shop all day putting the odd 50p on ...... 

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I agree, I've tried setting up some new accounts but given up because it's more hassle than it's worth.

I suspect that any serious bettors will end up betting on the exchanges.

We could end up in the bookies but I suspect there will be no value there. 

I must admit I did enjoy going in to the bookies, especially in the days when the chap stood behind the board, manually pricing up the races with different coloured markers.

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2 hours ago, MCLARKE said:

I did enjoy going in to the bookies, especially in the days when the chap stood behind the board, manually pricing up the races with different coloured markers.

Those were the days. Smoky atmosphere, exciting commentaries, days before tax and the infernal machines. A mix of ‘interesting’ characters, Sporting Chronicle, ‘real’ Sporting Life on the walls for us to read. Happy days, indeed. Gone forever. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be, for sure.

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Saturday mornings in the bookies was a social occasion for us, there were usually half a dozen of us, all ages, we did the 2 morning dogs meetings while picking our gg's, the sporting life was too big for the tables but we managed. The banter was brilliant, bragging rights always went to quiet old Lenny (learnt so much from that quiet old man) who as long as he was sober got winners and forecasts in right left and centre, he was a big Roger Charlton fan following on from Jeremy Tree, my bets were always that weird that when the bookies turned "electrical" they just couldn't process/scan them, so they had to be done the "old way"  always remember a little Italian guy Luigi who used to do footie bets, 2 seasons  on the trot he got 50K both times for getting the 4 English and 2 Scotish league winners in accas. to a fiver. Happy days indeeed. It was never just all about betting.

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My mum worked in an old independent bookies years ago. I spent some time in them whilst waiting for her to finish . One of my jobs when in there was to burn all the old papers and betting slips out the back. They also had a horse in the little field out the back and we’d keep each other company . 

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On 10/17/2022 at 12:49 PM, MCLARKE said:

I agree, I've tried setting up some new accounts but given up because it's more hassle than it's worth.

I suspect that any serious bettors will end up betting on the exchanges.

We could end up in the bookies but I suspect there will be no value there. 

I must admit I did enjoy going in to the bookies, especially in the days when the chap stood behind the board, manually pricing up the races with different coloured markers.

There's still a bookie who does that on a whiteboard at Huntingdon races , he has the worse pitch mind but it's good to see a bit of the ol' skool things about rather than 10 different bookies with 9 showing the same prices .

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