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$2500 freeroll limited to 1000 players


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This afternoon on Betfred there is the $2000 "Beat the Boss" freeroll. In addition there is a $500 bounty on "BFPokerBoss". Good prize money for a freeroll considering the 1000 entrants limit. Registration starts at 3pm BST (and I feel it will fill up quite quickly) and the tournament starts at 6pm BST. I'll be in!!

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Re: $2500 freeroll limited to 1000 players Me n Mrs. V are up for this one. Don't forget. If you get BFPokerBoss at your table and you put him out you automatically win $500. Even if you go out next hand. I do like the idea of this 'bounty' system, although you imagine he'll play really tight. NO 72o's for him I think.

i am having some of this' date=' just hope the software holds up[/quote'] How often do you get fcuk-ups when the Big bosses are around. I'd say tonight is nailed on to work. Its ok Paul. Tourney starts at 6. You could make it to the pictures for half past, even if you don't speed.;)
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Re: $2500 freeroll limited to 1000 players

Don't forget. If you get BFPokerBoss at your table and you put him out you automatically win $500. Even if you go out next hand. I do like the idea of this 'bounty' system' date= although you imagine he'll play really tight. NO 72o's for him I think.
But if he's playing tight, you can use it to your advantage - if you have at least as many chips as you, and it's just you and him in the pot, going all in will almost certainly win the pot and even if you get called, pre flop with any hand, you always have what, at least a 20% chance - with anything - worth the risk.... Of course, if people take that attitude and play with anything against him, I imagine if he selectively takes on a few, he could quickly become chip leader - and his game could become easier......he'll have no problem seeing action - no matter how strong his hand is..... This is all conjecture (sp?) - I've never played in a bounty game before - looking forward to seeing what impact it has......
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Re: $2500 freeroll limited to 1000 players i played and beat Betfair Santa at Xmas, even though it was only an STT he still played reasonably tight, got down to 4 still in when I eventually beat his AA with my QQ. hitting quad Qs as I seem to remember. He put in a large raise from the button and I was on the BB, so I reraised him all in, to which he called. Cheers. Won a book for my troubles, and only finished 2nd in the STT.

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Re: $2500 freeroll limited to 1000 players

Well tonight' date=' as the monicker says its the Manager of BetFred poker (not Fred). Live help(Neil) says he's a good player, but we'll see tonight. Might watch his table and see if anyone gives him grief over the technical difficulties.[/quote'] lol - think if we get this right, we can get him on tilt?
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