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Rainbow System


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Re: Rainbow System I thought that I might get somebody going on this one! But let's face it Chala, no one is going to get rich with this are they?If one's running a system surely it has to be something other than the Chelsea's, Celtic's,Rangers, Berwick,Cowdenbeath etc.These are all top rated by numerous bodies on all sorts of forum's etc.nothing special, which I believe a good system ought to be.Maybe my remarks were a little on the heavy side, but hey they were justified as far as this goes.If there is a rating system here,why don't we see some selections other than red hot favourites whose prices are hardly worth the bother. A Rainbow is supposed to be where everyone is chasing a pot of Gold, I see nothing here to change my original views.

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Re: Rainbow System I sense an air of hostility there Jay68 which would seem to indicate that because it's not all boquets being offered here, that you do not like constructive criticism.The world is full of critics and its only worth getting annoyed if it's the destructive type.I did not set out to get a bloody nose, but merely to ask if there were any underlying selections likely to be chosen instead of favourites which one can get readily from any newspaper.If you have a rating system then surely there must be more readily available selections where some value may show that the selections being backed, are more worthy of ones cash.If you have been offended by my few hard words then I take it that my knuckles have been rapped and that you indeed feel a little better for letting off some steam.If you are happy with your system, then by all means stick with it and hope that your profits are continuous.Cheers.M.

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Re: Rainbow System Merlin that’s the thing I did not find your criticism constructive, ''Good grief, anyone can tip teams like these week after week.How about some diffo's!'' - pray tell how it was? I do not choose the picks the criterea chooses them and as I posted at the beginning, that Chala pointed out, they will be favourites and often short priced.

The criteria goes Using Football index (Racing Football Outlook)

Home Picks – Home current Rating 75 more than apponent’s current Home rating 75 more than apponent’s away rating

Away Picks - Away current Rating 70 more than apponent’s current Away rating 40 more than apponent’s Home rating

I never said this was a perfect system and you read too much into the name. It’s named Rainbow because I’m close personal friends with Rod, Jane, and Freddy :tongue2 .Jane who I fancied as a kid!! If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme you will be lucky to find one on any forum or newspaper. Feel free to vent your views Merlin, all I ask is that keep in mind that I have never made any grand promises and I am just trying to beat the bookie like the rest of you ;) .

I am not convinced with the away picks so I will not be using them any more but I will post all my upto date Home and Away picks to see how this system is going.

Jay :ok

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Re: Rainbow System Now that you have pencilled in your criteria, I see just where you are coming from.I too compile ratings on another forum for all British and Euro fixtures each week.I'm obviously on a learning curve just like anyone else and by no means have a 'perfect' system.Whether one exists is another matter.Nevertheless I feel that if your criteria were tweaked a little,maybe downed slightly, then this would let in selections just below the 'top crust' and maybe this in turn would bring you better prices.The Index figures in the RFO are very good, and I refer to the trend figures often when making adjustments to my ratings.Anyway,one man's meat is another man's poison they say, maybe I have started you thinking on this and I don't think that it can be all bad.I shall still follow your thread with interest although our thinking is worlds apart.Good luck young fella! :-)

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Re: Rainbow System Merlin I have tryed numerous different criterea and the homes criteria upto now seems to be the only one that shows steady though small profit using average odds i just thought obtaining best prices may increase profit to an acceptable level. (the aways i'm not so sure of i just included them to increase the volume of bets really) After all that i took my eye off the ball missed a selection tonight that fell into my criterea. Reading to beat Sheff Wed best odds 1.57 bet365 and it won :wall . O well can't use that one in my bank. But will include it in a summary. As i started this thread a week late and in the first week there was also a pick not included in my bank which came in. So hopefully the summary will show every selection that fall into the criterea even if i have missed them.

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Re: Rainbow System What I meant by tweaking Jay was not going away from your homes, but downing your rating differences and thus allow more to fall in the 'catchment' area.These will obviously not be as 'hot' as the others, but would still be viable contenders for selection after the lowering of rating differences.Many punters do not like the Index figures in RFO but I for one think that they tend to act as a good benchmark.Good luck with this weeks selections.:hope

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Re: Rainbow System Arsenal looked certainties against my team The Black Cats bottom of the league and looking like it.I note that you took two aways today, I thought that in an earlier thread you said that you were doing no further aways.Maybe there is a case here for X2's.

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Re: Rainbow System Hi Merlin Yes i Know i said i was leaving the aways. But then i had a change of heart. But i know it is the aways that are pulling me down. Another 2 lost sat. I missed celtic away sunday, (hectic weekend), which fell into the criteria. This week i will summarise the story so far when i get time. With all bets that fall into the Criteria. Cheers Jay

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Re: Rainbow System Arsenal +6.25 Stenhousemuir :( -5 Berwick :( -5 Bank 79.57 Well poor show upto now. So i will continue only using homes. I was not convinced with the aways and only used that criteria to increase the volume of bets. Well i shall continue with the home selections and see how it goes. Sorry if this is a slow drip but hopefully the drips will fill the bucket rather than empty it only time will tell. :hope Still have not had time to summarise but will do soon. So dawns a new era :loon Hopefully :hope Bank 79.57 Selections 19th Nov 5 unit on each Chelsea 1.41 @ betdaq Reading 1.56 @ betdaq Bank 69.57

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Re: Rainbow System Should be OK there again with these two Jay.Celtic look a bit thin with the price and would need a hefty lot on to get anything decent back.Dundee should be too good for no hopers Brechin City and at least the odds are somewhat better here.Good luck with these!:hope

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Re: Rainbow System Again this lot look steady enough.Rangers are a little wobbly at the moment with McLeish under pressure and Falkirk have not done too badly on their travels, so although they should win, I feel it a little weaker than the others.One also wonders whether Hearts still have something left in the tank and whether Mr.Rix has given out good helpings of confidence this week.Anyway good luck with these.:)

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Re: Rainbow System I know what a F#cker nearly a full house that would have helped my bank some. Rangers 2-0 up and blew it! :\ Ah well i agreed they were dodgey but they fell into the criteria. Will plod on. slight profit on the day!! :ok Cheers Jay

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