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Had great fun playing freeroll at BetFred tonight. I'm sorry if any of you came across me, but I'm very much a novice-enjoyed watching it on TV and wanted to give it a go 'for real'. Despite getting knocked out early on (watching the Vale win didn't help:clap), Mrs.V was sat on my shoulder watching. "Go on the other PC and join in." said I (hoping for a bit of peace) After a lot of persuading she logged on as histart:rollin, and started playing, and asking ME what to do FFS-blind leading the blind or what? Well I managed to lose several times and I notice Mrs V. is on a different tourney-the one we both started on an hour previously. She only got in the money by finishing 41st and has won the magnificent sum of $0.63(34p). I'm worried that I'll end up married to Marge Simpson now-there isn't room in this marriage for 2 gamblers, but as she is ahead of me in prize money she may suggest she takes over the gambling while I do the ironing.:cry WTF do I do?

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Re: Typical

WTF do I do?
Well the secret is all in the Iron - it really makes a difference if it's a quality one, so it's worth spending that extra few quid - other than that, it's just practice, but don't worry, you'll soon get the hang of it......;)
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