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The C.R.A.C system

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Chelsea, Rangers, Arsenal, Celtic. Exlusively betting on these teams every game according to the following rules 1) intial bank 100pts for ease (£10.00 in real life if your interested) 2) each bet =20% of bank, so if it goes tits up one week, I've got 20% left to play with to start again 3) absolutely NO bets when any of these four teams are playing each other 4) All odds from betfair, so I will take out comission as I go so to start Round 1 20pts on Celtic @1.27 20pts on Rangers@ 1.3 :hope

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Re: The C.R.A.C system both came in, good start. celtic returns 5.1 pts rangers returns 5.7 pts (post comission) Start bank: 100 New bank 110.8 bets: 2 wins: 2 S/R: 100% Av odds: 1.285 prof/loss: +10.8% just thinking bout my staking plan, gonna change it, else all my potential profit could be zapped in one week. new staking plan: 20% of start bank (i.e 20pts) unless bank drops below 100pts, then it will be 20% of whats left

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Re: The C.R.A.C system As I said, Bruise, expect a googlie or two......but Rangers?!!! :spank I think most PL'ers have them as their 'fun competition' Scott. Prem selection....:\ , (me included). Chelsea should put one by Wigan.............. but you never know.........:eek

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Re: The C.R.A.C system super crespo in injury time! had every faith:lol chelsea return post comm profit of 7.2pts so we are Start bank: 100 New bank 109.50 bets: 6 wins: 5 S/R: 83.3% Av odds: 1.322 prof/loss: +9.5% yield: +7.92% (have i worked yield out right? I've done total won as percentage of total staked?)

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