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Jammy River Monkeys

Bruise Pristene

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this is sort of thing is happening to me a lot at the mo. e.g last night holding pocket aces, on flop comes Ah6c10s so i play this hand through with someone who is calling and raisin. there are intially four others in the hand, but two fold on flop, two on turn anyway communal cards end up as Ah6c10s9h7d we both turn our cards over, I have 3 of a kind aces, he has a straight 6-10 the two cards he started with were 2c8d ffs!!! a hand he has raised and called with :wall this sort of player is really annoying, particularly as I play tight and only play premium hands. my quistion is: is this just because I'm playing on cheap tables? I'm assuming if i was playing for higher stakes "proper" players wouldnt call and raise with 2c8d

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Re: Jammy River Monkeys This is the sort of thing you will see on low limit tables from the reallly bad players. Thing is you have to understand that in the long run you will take this guys money. Also you can look at your own play. Did you raise him big on the turn to make him pay when there was flush and straight draws? there is only a certain amount of milking you should apply to a weak player when holding a strong hand

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Re: Jammy River Monkeys In freerolls and at low limits, it's certainly not unknown for people to stay in or stone cold bluff with basically no hand. Why? Probably a mix of reasons, because they're poor players being one, but also, for example, because the stakes aren't meaningful to them.

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Re: Jammy River Monkeys They see people like Gus Hansen raising with anything and think that they can do the same. The difference being that players like Hansen a) know how to outplay their opponents post flop and b) know when to fold.

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Re: Jammy River Monkeys As mrmuzeman says, just go with the flow - in the long run players who stay and get lucky rivers generally end up with losses rather than profits. Me, I just love putting out a sarcastic "wp" to muppets in this situation (sometimes through gritted teeth), encouraging them to think they should continue playing that way. I suspect most of them don't know what sarcasm is.:lol Just put one of my bruvvers up on littlewoods - the type of play you are seeing is how he'll play until he's learned (hopefully b4 losing his initial £25) .. mind you the rest of the family have been taking money off him at cards for years so maybe he'll never learn :wall Cheers

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