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seeing peoples cards?????

Bruise Pristene

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take a look at this on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=47103&item=5601690718&rd=1 he says part of his guide is how to use software to see other peoples cards online!!! can this be done?? its pretty worrying if it can he quotes lots of people with feedback. considering paying the 1.99 to see what it says (not to use) surely any software you can use to cheat poker sites must be illegal?

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Re: seeing peoples cards????? He's actually selling the "truth about software that lets you 'see' other players cards" - he doesn't say he's selling software to see other peoples cards - I'm guessing that you'll just get a long technical explanation of how they transmit card information and why it isn't possible to see other peoples cards - but I'm guessing.... You wouldn't use it?? lol!! I'd have no hesitation...... This is what's being sold.....

  • Where to find and play online poker for free to practise your new skills.
This is practically all sites - we all know about freerolls and play money games.
  • How to maximise your winning chances.

This will I guess be some odds - similar to what you can find for free on a lot of websites.....

  • What software to use so that you know the odds of every hand.
This will be recommending software such as Calculatem
  • Where to get the latest free CASH bonuses for online play. For instance, did you know that if you go here and use the bonus code DEALMENOW they will give you up to $100 just for signing up!

This is just a list of affiliate codes and promotions I imagine - most of that information is posted here......

  • Where to find the latest robot poker software, so you can relax and watch the robot play for you.
Don't know about this one - but Google can answer the same question I'm sure........
  • How software can be used to see another players hand. NOTE: this does rely on having access to the other player's computer! This information alone if being sold on ebay and the internet for £50+ !!

Ok - slightly different to what I said above - instead it looks like its talking of planting spyware/virus on other computers - so it will only work against specific targets - not against a random player in a random game - and you'll somehow have to get the "victim" to run an executable file on their machine (or you do it for them) - unless you have very high technical knowledge....... There doesn't look to be anything here that isn't in the public domain/internet already..... The good feedback they have on ebay? Well it looks like you only receive the product AFTER you've left feedback... Within minutes of paying you will be able to read this document and start playing poker online! Well you're doing that already - so you don't need this software for that....Save your 2 quid (looks like he's sold about 8000 of these at 2 quid a pop - and no/few overheads - £16,000 in pocket - very nice!!!)

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