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playing standards on different sites

Bruise Pristene

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has anyone noticed it harder to win on different sites? I'm currently on three 888.com, laddies and bet365. and I'm playing at same stakes level on all three. I'm finding on 888.com, there are right muppets I can almost always get to last three at least of ten player tourneys, but not the regular tables where i get battered. On laddies, I can't win fcuk all in tourneys, but can on the regular tables. And on bet365, I just can't win fcuk all!!! the standard is far too high has anyone else noticed this sort of thing on different sites? if so can you tell me the site with the lowest standard so I can go and try and make some money for a change :o

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Re: playing standards on different sites

if so can you tell me the site with the lowest standard so I can go and try and make some money for a change :o
try the punterslounge league... I have seen a guy called rtb147 on laddies.. He is poor... :lol To answer your question seriusly. I have played 888.com and i won a multi table tournament there... I then withdraw some money, and i just kept loosing after that.. I will say i agree with you that tournament players is problably weaker than cash players.. Betfair is average i would say.. Expekt, unibet, royal poker room, playit/baw is below avr. Some easy money to be found there if your are lucky... Ladbrokes is problably avr. as well. As long as you stay at small limit table, and tournaments.. If you win a satalite to 15K$ guaranteed or something like that.. You might find pokergirl and other pros..
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Re: playing standards on different sites Interesting question as i think standard varies quite alot site to site. I don't play pacific that often now as it is a poor site matched by the standard of its players. As for other sites it varies greatly: 0.25/0.5 NL games i play i would rate in terms of players (easiest first) 1. Sporting Odds (25 dollar avg pot at times) 2. Ladbrokes 3. Bet365 4. BetFred (tight as I was losing when trying to get my bonus thru)

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Re: playing standards on different sites I play the ladders a lot and have seen that rtb147 name a few times. I am guessing he plays from here? Who is he? If i remmeber correctly he went out quickly each time :moon I agree with bet365. I find the standard on there the best ive come across so far. Coral/ Party Poker has been the worst standard so far.

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Re: playing standards on different sites

I play the ladders a lot and have seen that rtb147 name a few times. I am guessing he plays from here? Who is he? If i remmeber correctly he went out quickly each time moon.gif
Yeh this generally happens to him. I've heard that long queues have formed at the tables he's been involved in and people have gone as far as taking down each others internet connections to try and jump those queues. He does quite often visit the PL and we try not to discourage him too much on the poker front as some of us have kids to feed and wives to buy expensive jewellery for. :loon
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Re: playing standards on different sites Pacific is by an interstellar mile the lowest playing standard out there in my opinion. I play there regularly despite it having the worst software, worst banking, and zero customer support - for that reason. The reason behind this, I assume, is that it's partnered through a casino site, which would explain why so many people play their cards like they're putting money in a slot machine. I was on the final table in the 30k on pacific a few months ago, and I beat some guys straight with my flush. He said to me 'I thought you had the flush, but I wasn't sure if the straight was better or worse', he'd already won a grand!. The one thing that nullifies the fish factor for tournament play is the fast blind structure, but if you're lucky enough to build a playable stack early on it's much easier pickings than any other site I know. On the issue of 365, I don't think the standard is any higher, 365 share all their rooms/tournaments with about 20-30 other sites (royal vegas, expekt, stan james, 32red etc). What you do see tho is the very quick interface meaning more hands are played and so better players do well more frequently. I'd say Lads has to be the toughest tournament standard I've come accross, probably encouraged by their whole leaderboard thing, and the prima software. My thoughts anyhow :)

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Re: playing standards on different sites There is a difference between sites IMO. First of all I must say I havent played on all that many but I can tell which is best from what I know :ok William Hill has the lowest standard of player I have seen on any site. I play the 0.25/0.50 cash games and $11 STTs so can only pass advice on these games. The standard of player at these levels is VERY POOR. A lot of bluffing goes on, pure bluffs too with no outs to speak of (not even inside straight draw). Also people seem to go right mad on flush draws as well. Why you should want to commit your whole stack at the start of an STT with a 5 high flush draw ive no idea. To give you insight as to the poor play Ill tell a little story. Was playing cash game and I there was a minmum raise before me. Ive got KK so I raise. 2 people call the raise COLD then a third doubles my raise!! :eek It comes back to me, theres loads in the pot already so i go all in. Two fold and the re-raiser calls me for HIS WHOLE STACK. He had 63s! :lol Needless to say he flopped a flush :o but I caught a better flush on the river THANK GOD :dude :tongue2 I think Ladbrokes has the best standard I have seen (Jezza believes this also)although still not anything great. You can defo still win well but theres quite a few players with a decent poker game it seems. Shame because I like the software the best. I have played a little at Betfair and Bet365 as well but not enough to be able to comment fully. Although I understand that Betfair shares software with Willhill. So to sum up Id say get yourself a William Hill account! :ok

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Re: playing standards on different sites I'd say that of all the sites I've played on, the worst standard of play is on PartyPoker. Especially on the sit and go's, the standard of play is awful, players going all-in constantly, unless you play the $50 and upwards the standard is awful, basically it seems any pocket pair over 6's means they're going all-in irrelevant of what's gone on before, I usually judge the standard of play by the amount of all-in coinflips you get, and on PP I swear that there seems to be one every 5 hands!! The good thing is that if you have a premium hand and re-raise someone, they'll generally go all-in if they have 6's or up or AJ upwards, I find it's not uncommon to have 3 all-in preflop and see 88, AJ, and 66 with 2500 in the middle when still on the first limit, though on PP you always seem to get paid for your big hands, the amount of bad beats that inevitably come due to the all-in culture can be very frustrating. I tend to stick with Ladbrokes as the 1500 starting chips in the STT's and MTT's means you get to play around more, and I find that attracts better players/play.

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Re: playing standards on different sites Oh, and guesswest, I agree about Pacific, the standard is terrible, I've played about 3 hours max on it, and just couldn't be bothered, one hand that summed it up was I had 66 on button, raised it 3 times blind, big blind calls, flop comes 6-7-7, he bet 1/4 of his stack, I doubled it, he goes all-in, I of course call expecting him to have either a 6 or 7 in hand, but he shows K2, runner runner Kings gives him a bigger full house. If you can't push K2 of a 6-7-7 flop then what can you do!!! That sums Pacific Poker up for me!!

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Re: playing standards on different sites To be honest, ever since I've been playing poker online I've heard numerous opinions regarding which sites have higher/lower standards, and my opinion is there's not a lot in it. Most of the established sites have literally hundreds of users logged on at a time, so everyone's experience of the standard of play on a site is unique. You could easily have 2 players of identical standard/style playing on the same site at the same time but if they are on different tables their experience/opinion of the site could vary massively. Player A could have a couple of lunatics on his table whilst Player B on another table could have a couple of experts on his table. Their opinions of the site will vary enormously. This is obviously a simplified example but considering the huge number of users plus the fact many of these swap between sites anyway I don't believe there is an overall difference in standards between sites. Even within the same site standards vary greatly from game to game. I mostly use Ladbrokes but the standard here varies enormously, sometimes from game to game on the same 'spec' table (e.g. 10 man $20). Plus the time of day and day of the week can also be a factor. However I hope to be proved wrong and if anyone can convince me there's a lower standard of play somewhere I'll happily take my chip and chair over there! wink2.gif SFK

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Re: playing standards on different sites

To be honest' date=' ever since I've been playing poker online I've heard numerous opinions regarding which sites have higher/lower standards, and my opinion is there's not a lot in it. [/quote']I have to agree with you. One day You might get good players at the table,and on another day and it can be full of complete muppets. As far as i have noticed it happens at every site i've played.
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Re: playing standards on different sites I understand, what you mean with most sites having rubbish players one day decent another, but I find that especially on S'n'Gs, certain sites attract worse players, with PartyPoker, up to $30 I think you start with 800 chips, Ladbrokes you start with 1500, it's my experience that the more chips that a tourney has in it's starting stack, the less advantage rubbish players have, therefore they'll find another less refined game somewhere else. So maybe it's the site setup, not the players that gets good play, but no doubt, more chips: higher standard.

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Re: playing standards on different sites Good point effigy. This is one of the reasons WillHill is quality cos you start with a 1000 chips but the blinds also begin at 7/15 which is very small. I found the STTs at Bet365 totally down to a crapshoot very quickly. The blinds are very badly organised at Bet365 IMO and I dont play STTs there as its more about going all in than playing poker.

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Re: playing standards on different sites

oooooooooooooooh' date=' you are soooooooooooooo gonna eat those words cains. :nana[/quote'] you wish.. ;) will see if im home to play next league game and freeroll.. hope i am, and if i dont finish higher than you, it doesnt matter for now.. couse im going on holiday sunday, so wont be online for 8days... so cant see you bragging.. :lol
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