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Large Stack.......


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Hey all, thought I'd add this after reading the short stack thread. I'm fairly decent at S'n'Gs but am starting to play a lot more MTT's, I'm OK, no more no less. I find that I occasionally get into the money but not enough to make profit, I find I'm using the profits I make form the S'n'Gs are going on the MTT's!! It's all part of the long term plan!! That aside I find I can sometimes get a very large stack fairly early but I never seem to keep it, I don't know whether I'm too loose with it as I try to attack smaller stacks with my extra chips and whether I should tighten up when I have acquired my extra chips. Any help would be appreciated :notworthy

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Re: Large Stack....... although i'm an inexperienced player, I've found if you get a stack advantage early on, to make it pay, play really tight, only calling top 10 hands, when you do have one, bet large. someone normally comes in with you and you get theirs, or at worst get blinds/calls so far works for me, if i get an advantage early i nearly always make it down to paid last 3 you're prorbably playing higher standard than me, but this strategy on the tables i play, lets all the mugs bet out each other

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Re: Large Stack....... I'll try that next time, maybe I'm a little too eager to take on the small stacks, I suppose it'll be tougher though on a bigger buy-in to execute as people will be aware you're only playing premium hands and will only give me action will equally strong hands, but I'm generally playing $20-30 one's so I doubt as many people are paying the attention the players do in the 3 figure MTT's. I'll test it though when I get a stack again, just had KK busted by a way overplayed AQ from another big stack in a $30 tourney so it wqn't be that one!!! Thanks bruise

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Re: Large Stack....... When starting out i used to try and bully when i got a big chip lead early on, but i just ended up pissing the chips away. I found the best option is to play super tight when U get a good chip lead early on in an MTT. The players with lesser chips need to make a move and may try and force things, where is you are sitting pretty and ready to pick them off with premium hands if they do. If you find you are raising with premium hands and no one wants to take you on because youa re chip leader then you are collecting the blinds which is fine. But I would then gradually drop the standard of hand I would play coz then I am stealing the blinds on my mid-premium hands.

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