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When to up your game?


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I've been playing at PokerStars for a little while now in the $10 STT's. Started with an initial deposit of $100 and managed to get it up to just under $500. I seem to place in the top 3 7/10 times and think I should maybe start playing the $20 STT's. Is working on 5% of your bankroll a good idea? I don't really want to work at 10% but 20% sounds good. Just looking for advice from better players really.:D

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Re: When to up your game? I think most people on here will tell you that you need a very minimum of 20 buy ins for your bankroll. As youve got $500 to your bankroll it seems fair enough to step up to $20 :ok Just make sure if you go on a losing streak and your roll goes back down to $200 that you return to the $10 games.

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Re: When to up your game? I'd echo mrmuzemans advice. Your bank is big enough to be playing $20 tournaments, and the fact that you've built it up through playing the $10 tournaments means you are obviously playing well enough that there is no reason to think you won't be successful in the long run. Although there are good players on the $20 tables there are quite a few poor players as well............. the buy-in of a tournament is not always an indicator of the skill level......... Some people have more money to waste than others I guess:D However as mrmuzeman said, if you do hit a bad run and your bank takes a big loss, then don't be afraid to drop back down to the $10 tournaments and build it up again :ok

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Re: When to up your game? Again will agree with the other responses. However what I would also say is dont be afroad to mix it a little. Play a few $10 tournies and also a few $20 tournies. See which ones you are playing better at or having more wins at and then exploit it. Good Luck with what you decide. Staffy

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Re: When to up your game? Can only echo what everyone else has said on this thread...some great advice here. Just dont be shocked at how bad a run it is possible to go through at poker no matter how well you are playing and remember you need the bankroll to take it! Jez

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