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Hi All, 

Has anyone signed up to the 567 Method by Ben Dawson; it is a clickbank product which was heavily promoted by the usual clickbank mafia!

it purportes to make £700 a week. There are 5 tips a day system is "Stop when you hit £700". To get to that you must stake £100 a bet. You can do less, of course, by but you will make less. 

It went well for two weeks but has bombed horribly this week!  I decided to do a bit of research. Googling the address brings up Ago marketing - sole director Anton Green. Further research shows a similar system by him - Winning Selections, under the pen name of Dan Johnson. This surfaced in February this year and was more or less the same except stakes were £10 a bet and he purported to be making £3.3k a year rather than the £33k plus now peddled. It was reviewed and did not appear to do well. It's gone now! 

To add to the concern about this system, the guy is also pitching something called each way Craig! Surprisingly the web site for this has only been up for a few weeks! A football system is also  pitched; have not checked this properly yet. 

I contacted one of the folk pushing the 567 Method (clearly for a clickbank commission) - The Betting Gods guys. I raised my concern that they may have unwittingly got their members and making list into something that had a bit of a smell about it, but got no reply. 

There is a guarantee on the system and clickbank are good at refunding money. But my thoughts are that Mr Green and his associates/ affiliates will probably do very nicely out of it all because not everyone will bother to ask for a refund!

Has any one else got any views on this ? 

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