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** April Poker League Result : 1st Like2Fish, 2nd McG, 3rd andybell666 **

Fibonacci System

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This season I will continue to follow the '' Fibonacci System '' using the same number of teams from the same divisions - My teams this season are :-  '' Championship '' - Aston Villa, Barnsley, Burton Albion, Newcastle, Norwich, Wigan. '' L1 '' -  Bolton, Bristol Rovers, Charlton, M. K. Dons, Northampton, Oxford, AFC. Wimbledon. '' L2 '' - Blackpool, Cheltenham, Colchester, Crewe, Doncaster Rovers, Grimsby.

Hopefully will have another successful, profitable season.

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Hi BaldEagle , I too am a fan of the Fibonacci system which I am trying to modify for my bets on France , Itailian and Spanish second division bets. Really intrested to see how you use this staking system as the majority of .your games will kick off at the same time .I use staggered kick off times ,this way I can easily move on to the next stake in the sequence.

How do you work your system ?

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Hi St.dom, I bet on each of the nineteen teams as single bets ... every Tuesday I buy the Racing & Football Outlook and using the Football Outlook Ratings for each team and the Trend / Form results .... plus my own knowledge and assessment. Last season I returned a profit in 30 weeks out of the entire season. Of course the law of averages says you win some & lose some and luck does play some part in the outcome of each match because you cannot allow for red cards and injuries during a match .... all I can do is select wether a particular game is going to end in a HW / Draw or AW. I do however keep card index systems for all of my 19 selections throughout the whole season. I spend hours studying the stats and form figures every week.

I don't know if you have noticed how I make my team selections, but I will explain later if you are interested.



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On 8/4/2016, 3:00:53, BaldEagle1950 said:

Last season I used the '' Fibonacci System '' made up of 19 teams taken from the '' Championship'' '' League 1 '' and '' League 2 '' I started the season with a stake pot of 320 GBP and finished showing a profit of 762 GBP.

This is great. Can you post/show some stats from last season pics, if you have record, and explain about teams selection ? I am planning to start for this season a similar strategy, so it would be helpfull for me.

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Morning Bald Eagle,what I am trying to explain is I pick out ,say 5 or 6 bets spread over a weekend ( Friday,Saturday , Sunday ).If the first bet loses I increase the stake on the next bet then if that loses I go to the next stake in the sequence and so on .My next stake always depends on the outcome of my previous bet .

My question is do you place bets in the same way or do you place muliple bets with same kick off times?

Really interested in your Fibonacci staking system because I have been trying to work out a system that would enable me to place multiple bets using the system .

Hope thats clear !

Good luck Bud

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Just thinking , do you have a seperate "bank" for each team .IE if one particular team lets you down one week then you increase their stake next time they are selected,this would mean 19 seperate "pots " of money ?Or do you only select a number of teams fom your original group ,based on your stats and research ?

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Hi St.dom, Ihave just one bank which I use for all the teams. Yes, I do follow the Fibonacci staking for every team, every week ( including any midweek league games they play ). I don't use my bank for any cup games.

Last season my biggest single team stake was 233 pounds on Shrewsbury  to lose @ 15/8 - thankfully I predicted correctly. - my total stake that day was 367 pounds and my total return was 433 pounds.

My largest total stake was 644 pounds - I had a total return that day of 700 pounds.

My biggest return, which also happened to be my biggest weekly profit was on the last day of the season - stake 246 pounds / return 731 pounds / profit 485 pounds The remarkable thing is the first & last six games of the season are so unpredictable because teams don't settle down till after the first six games - and the last six weeks teams at the foot of the leagues are fighting for survival, but I like the challenge of first to last games lol. 

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On 04/08/2016, 14:00:53, BaldEagle1950 said:

Last season I used the '' Fibonacci System '' made up of 19 teams taken from the '' Championship'' '' League 1 '' and '' League 2 '' I started the season with a stake pot of 320 GBP and finished showing a profit of 762 GBP.

Hi are u placing the same bet for each team, for example are you only betting the draw and if that doesn't happen increasing the stake for next roind? 

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Nick, just to touch on your post here regarding betting the draw by team and increasing stake next round. Don't touch that.  There are many teams who go long periods without a draw over a season and it will bust your bank. From memory one in particular a few years ago Xerez didn't draw until the 36th match of the season! There have been other similar ones since. Now, yes of course you can try to target teams but you could still get unlucky so I wouldn't risk that strategy (not saying you are planning on doing so but just to give you a heads up on it).

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1 hour ago, Mattmid said:

Nick, just to touch on your post here regarding betting the draw by team and increasing stake next round. Don't touch that.  There are many teams who go long periods without a draw over a season and it will bust your bank. From memory one in particular a few years ago Xerez didn't draw until the 36th match of the season! There have been other similar ones since. Now, yes of course you can try to target teams but you could still get unlucky so I wouldn't risk that strategy (not saying you are planning on doing so but just to give you a heads up on it).

Does it have to be a draw though?!

Im not sure what the odds where last season for all the Leeds games. But if i had either placed a bet on Leeds to win at home or placed a bet for them to draw or win for away games, i would imagine the odds would have been around 1.83 for either, in which case i would have profited around 40% with max losing streak of 5 games. 

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No, it doesn't have to be a draw, I just mentioned that because you asked if he was only betting the draw for example and increasing stake next round. 

It might well have worked for Leeds that way but I wouldn't fancy an increasing stakes system on odds on bets and yes I know that was just a rough guess on odds and many times they'd have been over evens at home but what if the win is on a home win day where they are 1.50 and then they lose the next four bets.  It's fraught with danger.  You may well be prepared to lose your bank but what if the next bet is more than your initial bank, would you have bet your whole bank on one game for the first bet? 

What if Baldeagles £233 bet on Shrewsbury last season hadn't come in? That was the 14th bet in the sequence.  Next bet £377. Lose that and it's £610, lose that, £987.  Two more and it's two and half grand and Leeds are away to Brighton. Are you going to put that bet on Leeds? Remember the end of season profit was £762  and he made a £485 profit on the last day with a stake of £246. So his profit going into the last day was £277. So he had to bet almost his entire profit for the season on the last day. 

He may well continue to profit and I genuinely wish him well that he does but it's an incredibly risky way to go about things for a small profit. I don't mean £762 is a small profit, that's great, but I mean in the context of the fact that you have to consider that a single stake could wipe the whole lot out

Anyway just trying to show the pitfalls, speaking from experience of having been down that route. What you choose to do is of course up to you.  But the more teams you pick the more chance you have of busting your bank. 


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