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Betfair downtime $50,000 added


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A few of us were in this last time, so for anyone thats interested there is another Downtime tournament with $50,000 added to the prize pool. Starts at 4.30pm today, $25 buy-in, with a maximum of 2000 places, Its excellent value :ok 821 people registered so far....................... better be quick :D

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added Im out trying to slowplay kings. Raise 5 bb with a couple of callers, then only get 1 caller after my raise. Flop comes with a king on it so have top trips. Slow play check check ace comes on the turn, and he bets small. Read him for ace poor kicker. But also puts 2 diamonds on board. I raise him 3 times his raise he calls. River comes 2d and he bets 270 i raise to 540 and he goes all in. Rather rashly i call and he has the q6 of diamonds. Stupid call but i was sure he didn't have flush.

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Re: Betfair downtime $50,000 added Just got lucky with AQo vs QJs.. rags all the way.. doublet up 3 hands later AQo.. everyone folds then AKo next hand. 1raise. i re raise to put him all in.. he calls with JJ.. 9A9TA on board. :D now 4495 chips... / cains

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