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PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May


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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 8 of 9 on Thurs 26th May Ladies tomorrow is last game of the month, and I was quite thinking a lot. We haven't been much this month, well one day we been 16 and this was great, but we had some days where we have been really not much players. From my view we need to change this. We had a poll about the days, so the argument it is wrong days would not count much. If it is wrong days all had the possibility to change this with the poll. I mean just for fun, I would not care really if we only 4 players meeting twice a week for a nice game. BUT we have been getting the prizes from Stars, and only 9 playing feels not right for me. When I think of the weekly prizes. So from my view from now on there should be a change. It was quite nice of Morl to be so generous to set up two weekly prizes, but I think with not many playing, the league does not deserve that. Instead we should make the weekly prizes depending on entrance. So by example 0 -9 players : no weekly prize, 10 - 18 players: one weekly prize, 19 - 27: 2 weekly prizes, and so on. Is just an idea, but I think this would be much fairer than it is now, with not many playing. Perhaps with prizes depending on entrance is helping a bit to get more in, or to spread the word. I don't know really. Is anyway just an idea of me, and up to Morl if he does it or no.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 8 of 9 on Thurs 26th May I can't find the tourney. Was sure I saw it earlier but I can't see anything in the Ladies lobby now. :unsure I won't be home for the start tomorrow, but was going to reg and then join in as soon as I could, but will likely miss it now. I'm going to do the table update now. In absence of any other suggestions, I will do the points for Tuesday as per the final positions Stars allocated based on chips when the tourney cancelled. However, it's maybe not fair to award the Tshirts on that basis so perhaps we treat it as void for that purpose - will leave the final decision on that to morlspin. Gina, OK by me to proceed next month like you suggest, or similar. As regards days we play, the Tuesday game has been better attended than the Thursday one, however I know some can only play one or other day.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May Yes I know some can only play one day, but still it seems really not much players. We had some days less players than votes for this day. So I just thought would be more fair with prizes to make them depend on entrance. I cant see todays game as well. I know it was there, as some had registered but it is gone :unsure
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May I dunno whats happened today but the game has gone...... Ive rescheduled it to 8.10pm so that players can log in late and register just incase they miss the 8pm start, hope thats fine. Graeme
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 8 of 9 on Thurs 26th May Ive rescheduled this to 8.10pm now as the original disappeared:loon hope you make it in time I dont think theres any other way of doing it, so yes, award the points based on chips at the time it went down, and we can save the tshits for laters [QUOTE] Gina, OK by me to proceed next month like you suggest, or similar. As regards days we play, the Tuesday game has been better attended than the Thursday one, however I know some can only play one or other day [/QUOTE] Leave the prizes as they are for the time being, and we can look at it again once this league series is over. Experience shows that players get miffed if rules change during things :ok
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Leg 8 of 9 on Thurs 26th May [quote=morlspin;1952540]Ive rescheduled this to 8.10pm now as the original disappeared:loon hope you make it in time [/quote] Got home about 8.05 thinking I might just get in on extended reg, would have been touch and go so delayed start worked for me. Think at least one other got in after me too., thanks :ok Final Shirt winners for this month are Harmony-Helen and Bad-Monkey-Chelsea-Karen. :clap Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May Final table for this month is posted at the start of the thread. Congratulations to Quasar our runaway league champion, who bags a hoodie to cover up all those TShirts. Well done also to Miss Hoolie as runner-up. :clap:clap See you all in June...
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May [quote=avongirl;1952884]Final table for this month is posted at the start of the thread. Congratulations to Quasar our runaway league champion, who bags a hoodie to cover up all those TShirts. Well done also to Miss Hoolie as runner-up. :clap:clap See you all in June...[/quote] Thankyou :D Well done to everyone else too, some great battles - always a really enjoyable game to play.
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May Congrats on another overall grand monthly win, Debs. GGs wp! :nana:nana:nana:clap:clap:clap Another enjoyable game this evening. WP everyone, especially Chelsea and Gina! Just hope some more folk can join in next month!
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Re: PuntersLounge Ladies Only League - Pokerstars - Final May Leg on TUES 31st May Gratulations to Helen for winning last game of month :clap:clap:clap even though I am more tempted to :spank :rollin:lol Grats to ChelSea as well, good game both :clap
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