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Waggys New Laying Venture


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As my horse betting has been abysmal in recent weeks in my other thread I thought I would try my hand at laying. I have no experience of this at all but I have done a week or two of 'paper' trials and seem to have done quite well. I have started with a bank of £750 and see how it goes.

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Final lay of the day: LAY Raucous (4.15 Newmarket) £40 @5.0 (Liability £150) Results: Awjab 6th Won £19 Thair 7th Won £28.50 Taqneyya 3rd Won £19 Total won £66.50 Profit to date £21 Not a bad start with one result to come. Will reduce my lays to no more than 2 a day except Saturdays. These will usually be before 11.30am

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Thanks Aldric. Not as easy as it looks but I'm sure I can get the hang of it in time. The last one got beat by a head which was too close for comfort lol. Result: Berkeley Vale 2nd. Won £38 Loss to date £91

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Thanks Aldric. I've only just seen the results from yesterday. Forgot what I'd layed and just managed to get online. Qbitee 3rd. Won £9.50. No Likey 5th. Won £9.50 Loss to date £72 LAY Railway Storm (15.15 N/Abbot) £20 @8.00 (Liability £140)

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Two big losses. Looks like this is a bad idea Showboating 1st Lost £156. Snappy Guest 1st Lost £160. Losses to date £368 Will have to have another look at this. It looks like a hard task to win back these losses. Perhaps I thought it was too easy, will have to take the long, slow haul instead of the 'fast buck' approach.

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