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For a few dollars more


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Try drinking decaf tea or coffee instead of your regular hit to prevent brain stalling during your game. I tried this yesterday, drinking posh twinnings decaf tea and noticed some improvement in my concentration. Will try the same without sugar and report results. So any wierd ideas to squeeze out some extra profits write here.

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Re: For a few dollars more Had another thought. If you hope to make some steady money, don't use money from your bankroll to buy shit you do not need. Obvious exceptions are poker books, big monitors to multi-table with and a broadband connection. If you start with £200, make £600 and spend £500 on a new tv, then hit a bad run of cards and lose £300, you have nothing to show for your poker skills but a tv, even though you won £100. And while you're trying to scrape another £200 to gamble with you've missed the opportunity to make twice, thrice that. You plonker :lol So learn to play seven card stud, as the ante you contribute to every pot allows you to knock up more raked hands per hour than hold'em, not to mention in breaks the monotony of playing one game all the time. Get a good rakeback deal, it'll add up in the long run and you'll miss out on 25% of it if you don't sign up. Buy the Theory of Poker by Sklansky. Been said before but i'll say it again. Can't think of much else that isn't blatantly obvious like don't get pissed and play poker. A good website: www.poker1.com [url=http://www.playwiningpoker.com/] Happy fishing

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Re: For a few dollars more Yeah Zar..........your bankroll should be sacred. I only cash a specified amount out each month, the rest gets plouged back in to be used in the gambling war. Regarding rakeback deals, I would say if you are starting out its vital to take advantage of all the freerolls, sign up offers, bonuses + rakeback deals you can get your hands on. Everyone of these things adds to your +EV which can only be a good thing. Oh and I would say concentration is the biggest factor, if you get bored folding all the time then play two games at once - DONT start playing a weak loose game as you will just be throwing away money. Loose is fine if you are good enough to play like that but playing that way because you are bored is a huge leak for most players. Jez

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