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Saturday Night Poker


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Re: Saturday Night Poker Did pretty horrendous in the Everest €10 so am now playing in the Big 11 on stars. Going OK so far, hope that lasts :) GL if you're out there at the tables. ...Just on break. In the money and 74/583 at the moment. 9840 brave souls started, so many have parted. ...next break. 60/225. Not quite squeaky bum time yet but we're getting there! ...with 112 left guy puts his entire stack in after action pre-flop,flop and turn holding 44 vs my QQ, only to hit a gutshot on river :( But then very next I get QQ again and manage to triple up to about 65% of my previous stack, so still in, but on much smaller stack than I could have been. Still have 14bb so I can come back from here (good structure tournament as well). Well spoke too soon. Shoved my button with K10 for just over 10bb, and the bb insta-calls for over half his stack with JQ. Obviously he hits his jack because he is better than me. Just don't understand why you'd play for so long and go so deep to make a call like that, clearly I need to go back to poker school because I am not that good. Finished 101/9480 for $81.52 :(

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Re: Saturday Night Poker Cheers dude. Happy with the run again, but frustrated at the nature of the bust. That's the nature of tournaments I guess especially of that size. At least I managed to exit gracefully, and only put a sarcastic 'wp' in the chat box to the 44 guy. The chair I was sitting on, on the other hand got a jolly good punching :p

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