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Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc.


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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. Day 2 Qualifiers --------------- Categorized | Andrew Grimason, Uncategorized Boylepoker IPO Newcastle Day 1C Posted on 23 August 2014. sports_slideshow_536_X_200_01582_IPO_2014_Tour.jpg Welcome to Aspers Casino here in Newcastle for the Boylepoker IPO Day 1C 2014. Live updates throughout the Weekend.

23/08/2014 – 21:52

Combined Day 2 Stacks [TABLE=width: 247]

[TR] [TD=width: 104]First Name[/TD] [TD=width: 90]Last Name[/TD] [TD=width: 53]Chips[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Paula[/TD] [TD]Wilson[/TD] [TD]194,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Craig[/TD] [TD]Mcdowell[/TD] [TD]188,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Michael[/TD] [TD]Richardson[/TD] [TD]170,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Michael[/TD] [TD]French[/TD] [TD]168,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Dan[/TD] [TD]Patterson[/TD] [TD]166,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Marc[/TD] [TD]Foggin[/TD] [TD]158,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Brett[/TD] [TD]Andrews[/TD] [TD]144,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]D[/TD] [TD]Knight[/TD] [TD]142,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Bob[/TD] [TD]Mercer[/TD] [TD]116,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Connie[/TD] [TD]Jackson[/TD] [TD]89,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Hamid[/TD] [TD]Rowshanaes[/TD] [TD]86,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Terry[/TD] [TD]Ho[/TD] [TD]84,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Chen[/TD] [TD]Wenbin[/TD] [TD]83,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Jamie[/TD] [TD]Rutherford[/TD] [TD]81,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Jed[/TD] [TD]Conway[/TD] [TD]80,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Derek[/TD] [TD]Maughan[/TD] [TD]78,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Gary[/TD] [TD]Roberts[/TD] [TD]73,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]S[/TD] [TD]Zaidi[/TD] [TD]72,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Dylan[/TD] [TD]Herbert[/TD] [TD]70,500[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Michael[/TD] [TD]Sowerby[/TD] [TD]66,500[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Hailong[/TD] [TD]Xiao[/TD] [TD]65,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Darren[/TD] [TD]Knaggs[/TD] [TD]64,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Craig[/TD] [TD]Johnston[/TD] [TD]64,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Hazel[/TD] [TD]Birchnall[/TD] [TD]62,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Gary[/TD] [TD]Copeland[/TD] [TD]62,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Stuart[/TD] [TD]Oliver[/TD] [TD]61,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Helen[/TD] [TD]Godfrey (our very own AvonGirl)[/TD] [TD]58,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]David[/TD] [TD]Thomas[/TD] [TD]58,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Andrew[/TD] [TD]Hetherington[/TD] [TD]58,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]B[/TD] [TD]Monks[/TD] [TD]57,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Robert[/TD] [TD]Patrick[/TD] [TD]54,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Dave[/TD] [TD]Woodward[/TD] [TD]54,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]John[/TD] [TD]Yong[/TD] [TD]54,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]James[/TD] [TD]Lawson[/TD] [TD]54,100[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]F[/TD] [TD]Beaty[/TD] [TD]54,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Josh[/TD] [TD]Jones[/TD] [TD]50,500[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Jan De[/TD] [TD]Groot[/TD] [TD]45,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Gareth Lee[/TD] [TD]Park[/TD] [TD]40,600[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Basyr[/TD] [TD]Nagshband[/TD] [TD]38,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]David[/TD] [TD]Collins[/TD] [TD]34,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]G[/TD] [TD]Mooscrop[/TD] [TD]31,200[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Peter[/TD] [TD]Bailey[/TD] [TD]30,100[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Ali[/TD] [TD]Sayed[/TD] [TD]29,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Aaron[/TD] [TD]Carroll[/TD] [TD]28,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]C[/TD] [TD]Cummings[/TD] [TD]25,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Stewart[/TD] [TD]Costa[/TD] [TD]25,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Lee[/TD] [TD]Kidling[/TD] [TD]25,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Neil[/TD] [TD]Jackson[/TD] [TD]20,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]E[/TD] [TD]Costa[/TD] [TD]11,500 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. 49 left Avon 27th Repton 44th [TABLE=width: 162]

[TR] [TD=width: 162]IPO Payout[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]1st: £6650[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]2nd: £4660[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]3rd: £3000[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4th : £2220[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]5th: £1660[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]6th: £1330[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]7th: £1100[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]8th: £890[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]9th: £665[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]10th: £480[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]11th: £480[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]12th: £480[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]13th: £395[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]14th: £395[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]15th: £395[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. Thanks all. According to the seating plan published, me and Repton were sat on same table for most of the day and didn't know? I was table 1 seat 1, were you in seat 8 sat next to the Irish guy? (I took him out with my audacious call with AK on a Q high flop!) That chipped me up and I was on over 70k when I got moved tables in the last half hour, but came up against the big chip leader both times I tried to get in a pot.

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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. It's all over for me I'm afraid. Exit hand I was on small blind with 33, big blind was away. Big stack opened cut off for 4.4k (blinds 1k 2k), button folded and I shoved about 36k. Big stack called with KQo and ended up hitting both. Off to drown my sorrows now.

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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc.

It's all over for me I'm afraid. Exit hand I was on small blind with 33' date=' big blind was away. Big stack opened cut off for 4.4k (blinds 1k 2k), button folded and I shoved about 36k. Big stack called with KQo and ended up hitting both. Off to drown my sorrows now.[/quote'] Unlucky mate, played great to get so far though. Looks a good spot for a shove imo as Cutoff will often be playing wider than usual due to the bb sitout and your read was good :ok Another time you win the flip and are back in contention, small margins in terms of win/lose in tournament poker.
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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. Home now and heading outside to do some gardening! Tough to get going today, took a couple of blinds, but folded to re-raises on a couple more attempts. Lost half of what I had left playing AQ badly, and my last 15k ended up losing K3 suited v AK, out 30th. Had a look to see where you were sitting Repton after I busted (you were where I was most of yesterday) and found out I'd missed you again! At least we didn't ignore each other all day yesterday if you were on the other table. :lol In the absence of any stick on PL badges I wore a Pokeriety one from my mate Stuart, so good luck to the guys left in who won seats via there. :hope

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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc.

re post from above - Michael Richardson is chip leader at dinner break with 15 left. Can't wait to get involved at Dublin IPO
Good player, he's started to play more of these buy in events has cashed this GPS, wsop, and a couple of others. Think he will start dabbling UKIPT soon and more often I think.
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Re: Boyle IPO(Newcastle), Grosvenor 25/25(Portsmouth) etc. Well, had a great weekend up in Newcastle. Got back today after quite a few commiseration drinks yesterday (including a 'pickleback', which is a shot of whiskey followed immediately followed by a shot of pickle juice - what a stupid idea, and yes this was legitimately served in a bar!) Traveled up with a friend who was initially going to just rail and then help out with the drinking duties but he ended up buying in after winning £60 on the slot machines with the free £5 they gave you for signing up at the casino. We both made day 2 which was our initial aim, but neither made an assault on the cash. He took 40k into day 2 and shoved AK from utg after about 10 mins into the day only to lose a race to JJ. I caught him up in the 'sad seats' at the other end of the casino 15 mins later :( Avongirl/Helen, I'm sorry we never crossed paths on the table - looks like I was supposed to be on your table all along, no idea why I was told to go to table 2 by the desk. I think I've pegged who you are now from the photos on the blog and your seat position so I will know for next time. I'm probably the least recognisable person in the history of live tournaments but my friend I was with was the chap with a big beard and a red streak in his hair, so I was the one who spent the breaks talking to him. Couple of key hands for me throughout the tournament. The hand immediately before the first break I was dealt AA and played it horribly vs Rhino's Nemesis. Raised PF and was called. On flop of Kc6c6s I continuation bet and he raised me, which I called. Turn was 8s and I cehck-called, river was 9s and I again check called. He turned over AK and I won a reasonable pot but I can't help but feel I could have had a lot more. He asked me later on why I never raised him in the hand and said if I had shoved the river he'd have called and given me his stack. I confessed that I really got lost in the hand and made a mess of it - truth be told my mind was on going for the break and visiting the facilities etc. Later on in the day I won a really nice pot vs a really active chinese guy who was paying 90% of pots. He'd won so many chips with junk hands, but equally lost quite a few. I raised with 99, and he called. Flop was 886, turn 9 and river was either 3 or 4 and completed a flush. I managed to get away with a huge value bet on river which he called quite quickly. I was really pleased with how I played this hand (even though obviously it's always easier to play those hands when you hit something huge!). But then the very next hand I got AK whilst still stacking my chips which I opened with and the same guy called again from small blind. Flop was K84, and he check-raised my initial 1.6k bet to 8.2k. I called this and it went check check on turn which was a 7. River was a 5 which completed a flush as well as a possible straight and he bet 15k really quickly which was almost full pot. It was a really tricky decision I thought because he had turned up with loads of random 2 pair type hands as well as crazy straights and flushes before, but equally had made similar moves trying to bluff at pots. In the end I folded showing the king, but he remained unmoved. That hand has been annoying me because I based my decision for folding quite a lot on the fact that I'd just won a big pot the hand before and I didn't want to lose all the chips again immediately. Later on in the day crazy guy limped in from 1st position and I woke up with Ac6c on the button and decided to fold but I was really torn on playing it. Wished I had because the 2 blinds limped/checked and the flop came out 3 clubs. Crazy guy won the hand and showed his hand as Qc9h, giving him a flush and straight draw and he made it clear he would never have folded so I probably would have cleaned him out here. Never mind can't dwell on the hands you didn't play! Overall I was chuffed with how I played though, did some nice aggressive raising early on, getting one guy to fold his button QQ with a 4 bet after he (seemingly) squeezed, and then proceeded to tell me I only ever have KK or AA, and I actually had neither :D Again later on I convinced a few people at the table I 'must' have aces (comments from 3 players) when I actually had 88, so I must've been doing something right. Looking forward to the PPT Manchester now as it's the next big tournament for me and hoping I can go and have a good show there. Unlucky to those who played, one of us will take it down next time. Might have to try to qualify for Dublin now - I was in the last longer in Newcastle as I qualified through pokeriety and was told on day 2 there were only 2 of us left in, so I think I just missed out as the other guy made it to the money. If you read all that, you're probably asleep now, but if not thanks for sticking with my outpouring, just needed to write it down!

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