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Community Giveaway - Bart(UK) DTD £250 Seat


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Not a staking as such, but listing here to document everything properly. Full details to be filled in/will follow when I get the chance. On Aug 12th 2014, I Bart(UK) binked a £250 DTD seat (via 1p, SemiFinal & online Final Satellites). As a thank you to those helping to keep the community alive and helping railing my success all those contributing to the daily thread on that day prior to my stated post will get a equal share (totalling 5%) of any cash, if any, resulting from the stated seat.

  • Bart(UK) retains 95% of seat value and any resulting cash
  • Danshot 0.7143% of any resulting cash when played
  • luckboxnemo 0.7143%
  • teaulc 0.7143%
  • Dasboot 0.7143%
  • repton3 0.7143%
  • Washman 0.7143%
  • Rhino_Power 0.7143%

Token Expiry: 10th Dec 2014 Event to be played: Not yet decided, possibly DTD250 or DTD3k Online final in an attempt to gain a £3k WPT m/e Seat. Terms

  1. Welcome suggestions on what to use the token on, but Bart(UK) gets final say on what to play, when and how.
  2. % offered is a % in any cash won, if any, of this token only. If the token is lost or withdrawn by DTD/ipoker for any reason (over my dead body they will lol), there will be no payout.
  3. Bart(UK) reserves the right to increase the % given out if so wishes, but minimum of the amount shown will apply.
  4. If played live, Bart(UK) will pick up all costs of travel & accomodation, there is nothing to be paid out by the "7"
  5. Additional terms may be applied at a later date as Bart(UK) feels appropriate.
  6. Bart(UK)'s decision on all aspects will be final. This is a fun event in the spirit of community friendship. In the event of any dispute or if members would prefer not to take part a charity will be found for their respective share.

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Re: Community Giveaway - Bart(UK) DTD £250 Seat Appreciate that it's not much each, but you never know might turn into a fun sweat. Also appreciate that a lot of active & supportive members just happened to not be around yesterday, so missed out. Will probably do a few similar things in future to incorporate more of those, supporting each other has benefits :ok Also shout if I missed anyone out and I'll adjust the % accordingly, was kind of tired last night when writing up ;)

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Re: Community Giveaway - Bart(UK) DTD £250 Seat Quick update: I will most likely be playing the DTD3000 online final (£250 buyin) next Monday (18th Aug) or the Monday after (25th Aug). This is currently the only available tournament either live or online for this token, although I'm sure there would be other opportunities before the year end. Playing online also allows railing should anyone wish to follow progress (or lack of lol). The tournament currently has 3x £3k seats guaranteed which I understand can be used to buy into the £1m Guaranteed WPT(UK) main event in November. It's a long shot so don't expect too much, but if successful that would make a nice live sweat for everyone :)

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Re: Community Giveaway - Bart(UK) DTD £250 Seat Playing tonight (9pm) subject to feeling ok at the time and being somewhere near the zone in a warm up game before it. Full details posted in daily thread. Will most likely have the chat box off as playing 2 finals, 2 lots of player tells and traits to concentrate on etc. so apologies if I don't respond, but railers or watchers still welcomed. Pm me if you want my table name, I don't want it posted here as googleable due to PL's prominence. Good luck us :ok

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Re: Community Giveaway - Bart(UK) DTD £250 Seat Sorry guys, we were 5th from 25 with 2x £3k seats given out. Just 1 entry short of the guarantee so no cash for 3rd. Full updates in Mondays daily thread. As you can probably see I gave it a damn good go, chipping up nicely throughout the tourney and at no time really being under threat. 2 key hands: A big call (well I overshoved to isolate) with AQ against shorty with AJ which held. This set me up with a fighting chance towards the end. A frustrating AQ into AK on Axx board which lost leaving me ok but getting short. All good fun and I'll try again. Who knows I might give out free stakes again, been fun. Thanks for all your support and enthusiasm, much appreciated :ok [ATTACH]6240[/ATTACH]


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