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Friday- Where are you playing?


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Giving the micromillions a miss for a couple of days and (mainly) freerolling tonight. Paddy Power- €5 knockout (€100 Gtd) OUT 1 bounty picked up. Not surprisingly this type of game attracts the bingo merchants. Paddy Pantsdown Weekly Final OUT never got going Paddy Second Chance Everest- €2k Friday feeling x 2 entries OUT in one entry, holding on in the other. EDIT: OUT Maybe more to follow. :hope all

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing?

Giving the micromillions a miss for a couple of days and (mainly) freerolling tonight. Paddy Power- €5 knockout (€100 Gtd) OUT 1 bounty picked up. Not surprisingly this type of game attracts the bingo merchants. Paddy Pantsdown Weekly Final OUT never got going Paddy Second Chance Everest- €2k Friday feeling x 2 entries OUT in one entry, holding on in the other. EDIT: OUT Maybe more to follow. :hope all
been too busy lately mate only played the odd game here and there, trying to save some cash for a week in vegas with the lads in sep!
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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? There is no disputing that the forum has had a dwindling lack of activity , but it's up to up to everyone to make people welcome. Yes the value league attracted more people that wanted to take advantage of the offers , but that might be a reason why some the regulars have started to lose interest , money is earned and not a given right. For this reason I don't mind people showing off big scores because some people work very hard to get them. Collectively we should be supportive. I know maybe that I do get frustrated when I see dodgy plays rewarded , but I know some people will have seen dodgy plays that I have made if I've got with a read and got it wrong or just decided to play a bit more aggressive , have the pro's have been seen making poor plays. Only need to look at clip's of 7 bet spews or the Big One at WSOP 2 years with the guy folding Quads but if you pay your money it's up to you how you play your cards and everyone should be respected. I for one hope that this forum still's to thrive again in the near future , and can't wait for the Punter's Lounge Poker Tourney so can put names to faces. So come on everyone let's support each other , even if we start by getting some interest in where everyone is playing each night.

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Nicely said Dan. I hardly get time now to talk in games, or online, as now i work 9.30 to 5.30 Mon to Fri, so it's straight home, bath,tea then poker. My quiet time is 11pm onwards ;) It would be good to get some pl leagues up, or the daily 1 we used to play!

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Well said guys, let's start getting the interest back in poker, if only small steps at a time. I'm currently only playing 2 games a week, the Boyles league mainly in support of Boyles as they did us proud in the last league and a restricted entry affiliate game on stars from my original sign up many moons ago. Intention is to play more again soon and will probably center things around Boyles/Grosvenor/Coral and Stan James (all big supporters of the forum/leagues in recent years) along with Stars due to their tourney traffic. Often around in evenings and available for railing duties even when not playing myself so shout out if you're feeling lonely or bored. Oh and lookout for pennyrolls on DTD and/or Genting if you have hours spare especially if you live close to Nottingham or one of the GPS legs, they're crapshoots but never underestimate what you can occasionally achieve from free or cheap. Want further inspiration? PL already this year have a Grosvenor 25/25 champion, the PokerPlayer GrandPrix champion and a WPT National runner up amongst us, not to mention several other big packages, deep runs and wins. PL is awesome, you all are awesome :ok

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Thanks for the replies and I apologise for the rant but this used to be a great little community and it seems to be suffering somewhat in recent times. I appreciate that not everyone is playing as much these days or they don't have the time to post on here. I myself had a few months off from the game and may well do so again in the near future. I do believe though that it is important to support the forum and each other through the lean times and this appears to be one of them. Why the added value games from the various sites are no more I do not know, but while they were here plenty of posters were eager for passwords. At the moment we have the variant league on Pokerstars and while no riches will come from playing it, it does foster a spirit of community. I've only just joined it but this is because I was in dispute with PS going back some years and have only just rejoined the site. Last week was 5 card draw and seriously I would rather have a season ticket at Woolwich Arsenal then play that but it's supporting the forum. I'm not saying that everyone has to play every single PL league or post every single day but once in a while would be nice, even if it is just to congratulate someone on a win. I started the micromillions thread not because I was vain enough to think anyone give a flying f on how I did, but because I know that there were others on here who would be playing some of those events. Poker is a tough grind at times and when it stops becoming a pleasurable past time then you need to step away from it as Bart and others have done. However it is because of PLers like Bart that I keep coming back to this forum and hope one day I can emulate him in securing a big win. It can happen. In the meantime, let's try and support each other as much as we can and don't allow this forum to become too quiet. I realise that there will be a lot of you thinking "who the hell is this fella?" and fair enough, I can see your point. But I am the same guy who was playing the Grosvenor league every week trying to win a seat, the same fella who was playing the Coral and Stan James leagues when there were hundreds of £s up for grabs for those fortunate enough to be given a password. The Christmas freerolls when there were prizes given out- I still have my PL polo shirt that Morls sent to me for coming 23rd. Ask not what your Poker Forum can do for you.... Good luck guys and gals :ok

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Not been playing too much myself just recently. Trying to sell my house at the moment and every moment I'm not working seems to be taken up by painting/tidying/cleaning/showing people round/looking at other houses etc. Still managing to squeeze in the PL variant league on a Monday and the Thursday Boyles Blog League (when I don't forget ...), but not much more than that. Been really wanting to play some of the micro-millions but haven't got round to playing any yet at all, so I'd better get my skates on! Just to let you know, I do try and bob on here most days though and enjoy reading the posts, including the micro-millions one - I've just not really posted a lot because I actually don't have much to say poker wise at the moment with not getting the time to play. I think summer is generally quieter on the poker scene isn't anyway? Specially with the weather we've been having recently. I know I'm more inclined to play when cooped up on dark winter nights. Hopefully traffic will improve as we move towards Autumn and Winter.

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Remember a post may have twenty five views but the reality is a large percentage of those would be non members. As with all forums, there are always many more views than posts that comes with people visiting from search engines and the like!

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? Im a serial viewer, i must admit. I dont post much nowadays as i dont find poker anywhere near as much fun as it was days gone by. The sites are not making you want to play , like they used to. It all seems to have gone very stale, which is very sad. On the plus side, i do still play but only when i really have the time, i dont make time like i used to....I am about though still viewing how your all doing ;)

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Re: Friday- Where are you playing? The main two things missing at present are 1) the "where are you playing today" mails. They were good because it helped people quickly identify good games to play without trawling through the sites or were reminders. They also allowed people to rail each other as often someone would get on a decent run in one of the games. 2) another league like we had on Stan James. Personally my working hours are now longer as i have to travel further to work. Once ive got the dog walked and had my tea its often gone past 8pm and a lot of games are already off and running. I visit the site every day but because im picking and choosing games this year im not in the best position to post what im playing.

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