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The right play?


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Playing a $10 6 seat STT 3 players left 2nd prize $15, 1st prize $45 Did I do the right thing, or should I have settled for an almost guaranteed 2nd place, with a chance to win? Table "SixPak10 493823 - 1" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: Hannez1 (300 in chips) Seat 2: Fallon (3334 in chips) Seat 6: dave10 (2366 in chips) Fallon: posts small blind 25 dave10: posts big blind 50 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to dave10 [Kh Ad] Hannez1: folds Fallon: calls 25 dave10: raises to 200 Fallon: raises to 3334 and is all-in dave10: is all-in 2166 Returned uncalled bets 968 to Fallon ----- FLOP ----- [7d 4s 9d] ----- TURN ----- [7d 4s 9d][Ts] ----- RIVER ----- [7d 4s 9d Ts][3c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Fallon: shows [2h 2d] (A Pair of Twos, Ten high) dave10: shows [Kh Ad] (High Card Ace) Fallon collected 4732 from Main pot

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Re: The right play? Um tricky one but i think it was the wrong play to go all in. You were almost certainly in a situation where you were either in a coin flip or more horribly crushed. Ace king is a hand i am looking into my strategy with i think im falling in love with it too much and making too many plays like yours. The initial raise is fine IMO. By the way i think his play is even worse you could well have an overpair and therefore have him dead to a two.

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Re: The right play? I would also have folded that hand.. You have 2166in chips. And BB is 50.. you have MANY hands to give fallon the push over the edge.. If it was a pocket pair you had like 22-JJ i would have folded also.. While calling with QQ-AA (I think.. Maybe even fold QQ).. Depends on the play he has put up earlier.. I know its hard to settle, just for the money.. But it only put you 200 more behind.. And still a long way to go in blinds.. If BB was 1200 i would problably call it.. Couse you so close to play final hand, that you would problably not get any better chance than that.. / cains

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Re: The right play? i tried to do a little maths to get a better idea of what to do, it might be all bollox so suggestions welcome. here it is: chip count hannez 300 fallon 3300 dave 2400 if you fold and assuming you're all of equal skill, assume the chances of finishing in any position is proportional to your chip count. han 300 fallon 3300 dave 2400 say 40% chance of a win, 55% second and 5% disaster. therefore equity is 0.4*$45+0.55*$15+0.05***** all = $26 i'm guessing he's going all in with all pairs, AK, AQ, which i reckon you're a 45% underdog against them all. if you win han 300 fallon 900 dave 4800 you're flying high and will take down the title 85% of the time 10% second 0.85*$45+0.1*$15 =$40 you lose and you get nothing so calling you'll get a return of $40 45% of the time and $0 55% of the time for an average of $40*0.45 = $18 which if my maths is good is a bad idea compared to folding.

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Re: The right play? This is a very tough one dave to decide on in the heat of the moment. Of course had the blinds been large it would have been an automatic call/raise all in from you but the state of play was deep stacks and low blinds. Personally in a situation such as that with a lot of play left I like to take AK to a flop against simarly deep stacked opponents perhaps even without raising myself (especially if I am out of position) and judge from there on where I lie. This cuts down on the volatility against coinflips in tournaments where if you lose all your chips you are out (as opposed to a cash game where you can just rebuy). Against a short stack I would have had no qualms about calling him all in preflop or raising him in myself as you can afford to take the gamble. You do have a slight negative equity here in this pot by folding however you can easily make that up by outplaying him in the many many small pots that will probably follow, and it is safer to take that option to get the chips than taking a 50/50 on. However when it comes down to it what you do really has to be based on your read on him as a player, if he has been acting like a fanny for the whole game and raising/reraising a lot then I guess you have to call him as he could well have AQ KQ etc - if he hasnt then I would have been tempted to fold and wait for a better opportunity (this is only because you are three handed with such large stacks and small blinds tho) Jez

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