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Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands


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Re: Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands You know it is so sad :cry to know that out of all the people who viewed this thread none of them have been lucky! Come on people, there must be some fun stories out there to be shared. Anyway my most impressive hand was when I first started playing and I got a straight flush (which I needed to be pointed out to me by someone else), because I just saw the straight as I can be flush blind (3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c). Nothing as exciting as a Royal Flush though but thought it was pretty cool. :) Ok, I know it isn't as exciting as some of your stories - so share them here with me (please so that I'm not the only person who has been so sad that only they replied to their thread!) :eyes

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Re: Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands Had a couple.... I always think there are a few different versions of "luck" in poker. There is making the nuts every hand, this is of course lucky but if noone pays you off what are you going to do? Personally I prefer to be "lucky" in the sense that if I get AA someone else gets KK - I would rather get AA once and have this happen than get it 5 times in a row and pick up the blinds every time! With that in mind this pot that I am about to relate has been firmly stuck in my memory.... Playing 5/10 NL on prima - the sit down maximum is 1000 dollars. I played this game for several months solid before I had a bad run on another site and had to cash my prima bankroll out. This pot was definately my most memorable. Holding JJ in the big blind, just about everyone on the table limped. This in itself was quite rare and I was not sure what the EP players had (worried about AA being limped basically). There was a mixture of short stacks and a few big 1k stacks like myself, I had been playing pretty good tight aggressive poker and had got up to just under 1400 So I just decided to check and take a flop, If I did hit a set of jacks noone could really put me on it. The flop came down J 9 5 HAPPY DAYS. Now what happened next is the stuff of poker dreams. There was a straight draw there (Q10) and a flush draw as there was two spades. So I led out and bet the pot right from the off not wanting to give any cheap cards. The table went ballistic, I was flat called from the next man, a short stack then went all in for 200 which was followed by a series of flat calls from just about everyone at the table! I popped it up again when it came back to me and oh joy of joys one of the big 1K stacks moved all in in middle position! Unbeliavably the next 1k stack then CALLED all in and when it came back to me I was left with the delight of just pressing "CALL ALL IN" for a gigantic pot holding the nuts at that point. Of course it was obvious someone must have a draw so I was praying for a board pair/blanks to fall. I clicked call and SWEATED the turn and river...... Thankfully the turn and river WERE both blanks and the tables cards were turned over....The short stack in early position did indeed have AA (thank fcuk I never raised preflop!) and there were a myriad of draws for the other players. I looked most closely however at what the two other 1k stacks were giving me action with - one had 99 and one had 55!!! What an unbelievably lucky flop, to make the top set when two other guys with the max infront of them as well make lower sets is the stuff poker dreams are made of. The final pot was just under 4000 - one of the largest I have ever seen at 5/10 and it was pushed in its entirety to me, cyber style as I hi 5ed my flatmate :lol. There were 7 other players in that pot apart from me and I bust them all in that one hand (something I have never managed to do again since), leaving them all sitting out/reloading/wondering what the f had just happened and 3 of us left playing shorthanded in the carnage afterwards. That was definately my most memorably LUCKY pot so far in my poker career, I have plenty of other lucky/unlucky stories I will relate further on in this thread..... Jez

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Re: Luckiest/ most unusual winning hands Wow Jez, Pretty amazing story, three sets on board just at the flop! Putting seven people out at once! Never seen or heard of anything like it, what are the odds of that happening? :clap Is there a world record for that sort of thing?... Pity it wasn't a live game - would have loved to have seen their faces :lol

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