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Swap, Exchange ?


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Hey. I returned to poker after a long break. With a good result and I play more satellites to major tournaments, mostly in the ipoker. There are players who would like to exchange % from the same tournament, or simillar? For Leaders: This post is allowed on PL?

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  • 1 year later...

Appreciate this is an old post, but someone has just reported it so it's timely reason to restate PL's view on this.

Members can indeed swap % in each other, but on the strict understanding that they are entering into private agreements between each other, Punters Lounge will have no involvement in any discussions, disputes etc.

All agreements, discussions must be posted within the Staking forum board (all posts outside of this dedicated area will be removed by moderators) and postings must strictly comply with the stickied staking rules, staking requirements and contain the disclaimer.

Whilst a fun and potentially useful option to players to counter variance, members are always reminded that you are entering into a private agreement between each other that is based entirely on trust, poker history is littered with disputes and alledged fraudulent activity. There is always the potential for financial or personal data loss so we would suggest extreme caution and ensure simple steps are taken to reduce potential for loss e.g. Only deal with players you trust, have known for some time and ideally have personally met, never trade amounts that you cannot afford to lose, use sites official transfer options wherever possible, make sure everything agreed is laid out in writing and agreed by all concerned etc.


Enjoy your poker


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