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10nl 6 max - How do you play this spot?

Phantom LImb

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Just wondering how you guys play this spot? Re-raise on the flop? or better to call? Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($14.66) BB ($17.21) HERO ($10) CO ($22.25) BTN ($19.16) Dealt to Hero :2d: :2h: HERO Raises To $0.3 , CO Folds , BTN Folds , SB Folds , BB Calls $0.2 Flop ($0.5) :2c: :3d: :Td: BB Checks , HERO Bets $0.55 , BB Raises To $1.55 , HERO ?

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Re: 10nl 6 max - How do you play this spot? In general people who check-raise in BB v UTG shut down to any serious pressure, they're essentially raising a comfortably wide range. I like a flop call with intention to call turn river all in as long as two diamonds don't roll off or raise turn all in.

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Re: 10nl 6 max - How do you play this spot? Thanks Nade! Here is the whole hand. i guess just unlucky spot. Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($14.66) BB ($17.21) HERO ($10) CO ($22.25) BTN ($19.16) Dealt to Hero :2d: :2h: HERO Raises To $0.3 , CO Folds , BTN Folds , SB Folds , BB Calls $0.2 Flop ($0.5) :2c: :3d: :Td: BB Checks , HERO Bets $0.55 , BB Raises To $1.55 , HERO Calls $1 Turn ($3.6) :2c: :3d: :Td: :8h: BB Bets $3 , HERO Calls $3 River ($9.6) :2c: :3d: :Td: :8h: :3h: BB Bets $9.75 , HERO Calls $5.15 (all-in) BB shows :Ts: :Th: BB wins $19.05

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