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10nl 6 max - How do you play this flop?

Phantom LImb

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I was a little deeper, so decided to call here. But how should i proceed on the flop? Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills Hero (BTN): $16.98 (169.8 bb) SB: $14.94 (149.4 bb) BB: $9.04 (90.4 bb) MP: $6.52 (65.2 bb) CO: $22.28 (222.8 bb) Preflop: Hero is BTN with :9d::Td: MP raises to $0.30, CO folds, Hero calls $0.30, SB raises to $1.50, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.20 Flop: ($3.40) :5d: :8c: :Qd:(2 players) SB bets $2.20, Hero ?

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Re: 10nl 6 max - How do you play this flop? Pretty sure you should shove here, at least I would. You have at least 25% against whatever the villain is holding, flipping against most likely holdings and you could get already made hands to fold. You need to see both the turn and river so flat calling is not really an option.

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I believe the most optimal given pre flop call , is to be raising flop whether is shove or raise to $6 both are better than flatting and folding this board is out of the equation. We may have to play a turn but we're in position and can play accordingly are cards we can shove when checked to still with some fold equity , we can get away if he donk jams unless of course we hit but the pot is larger now making it easier to get a looser call , hope that was understandable and hopefully a little logic lol

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