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Rivrd's 888 Challenge Pt 2 - * Sold Out *


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Re: Rivrd's 888 Challenge Pt 2 - * Sold Out * sorry guys sh1t tonight, re raised all in from a sb raise with a5 sb had 77, i beleive this is the right move from a sb raise and with the stupid structure that in effect after level 4 you are left with 20 bbs. really need to cash now :sad

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Re: Rivrd's 888 Challenge Pt 2 - * Sold Out *

any news
crashed and burned monday night, but made the money tonight, 9bbs aipf utg with 88 called by sb aj who obviously hits runner runner str8, but was glad to cash for you guys. [ATTACH]5079[/ATTACH]


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Re: Rivrd's 888 Challenge Pt 2 - * Sold Out * Summary Well thanks for the opportunity to play these challenge games again and its certainly been an up and down week playing these, yes i managed to cash in 2 of these and get you guys a small return but i am quite critical on my play and should of been better. I was pleased with my first game i played steady and to come from 2bbs and to get into the cash was an achievement of its own merits and felt confident going into Thursdays game. For some strange reason i just didnt feel comfortable playing Thursdays game, maybe the shorten timed hands through me out but as i stated just felt turboish to me and just didnt feel comfortable playing it, which is unusual as i play rbs regularly. Along come Friday and was back into the rhythm of play making the right decisions when needed only if my KK

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