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Sunday 2/6/13


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Re: Sunday 2/6/13 Probably just some sats today for tonights bigs. Playing the big $8.80 on Stars aswel where I've got position on Andre Coimbra, one of the online pros. This should be funny getting taught a lesson by him :lol GL everyone!

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Re: Sunday 2/6/13 Today I have mainly been:

  • shafted by cheating Russians
  • chat banned after reporting the aforementioned in a style very much of my own choosing ;)
  • doing the garden
Tonight I'll be:
  • donking out early of Encore & GUKPT freerolls
  • learning as many Russian swearwords as possible
  • picking garden thorns out of my arms (wear long sleeves people, it's a jungle out there!)

Good luck comrades!

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Re: Sunday 2/6/13

Jesus Bart I got angry on your behalf looking at that! :@
It gets worse, I'm now playing Encore like a tw...... errr can't get chat banned twice in a day so shall we say "twit" and riding high in top 5. Proof that ev doesn't work! Hoping I don't win it though as a 3rd ipad would just be embarrassing!
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Re: Sunday 2/6/13

out 7th for $45 ' date=',,Bart still in and looking good[/quote'] Why thank you young man, you don't scrub up bad yourself chicken :p Out in 5th for $75, was $300+ipad up top so perhaps shouldve taken it a bit more seriously but have to lol at some of the play, especially Al's bust out hand. Al allin 3way, from memory 10k+ pot and kiddie tank bets 600 from 4k stack on the river and tank folds when big stack shoved, lol awesome. Had hoped that it would help Al out, but sadly not. Apologies if i upset anyone (especially any PL'ers) with my verbal banter tonight, just having fun after a difficult & frustrating week.
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