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Wednesday 22/5/13


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Stars : Scoop $27 NL Bounty : Currently upto 7K should been more but couldn't get Aces to hold after get in AA > QQ & wait for it the winning hand J3 for another 7k. And no bounty yet as the queens guy had 5BB left lol Betfred : thanks to the forum checked to see some free tickets so playing Social and Bonanza

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Re: Wednesday 22/5/13 Out of the SCOOP after a series of unfortunate events 1st the Aces not holding for 14K pot , then manage to run Aces Full into Quads on 47A7A board. Then my exit hand then 4 bet shove 99 for 33BB get call from AQoff , safe flop but ace on turn needs be needing heart on river no luck. :(

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