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PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm PL win top 3 prizes, well done guys


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Re: PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm well, what can i say. down to 3 handed and chip leader. i pick up pocket queens and push them all in, called by pocket jacks. the flop jjq, leves me down to 3000 aand almost gon, but i battle back to heads up, chip leader and lose three to win tourney, the first to a gutshot, the second to a riverd flush and the last to a gutshot again. 3000 left and gone. $750 for zip but gutted to lose. (my heads up play was poor to be honest) :sad:sad:sad:sad

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Re: PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm Wow.That tourney tonight was littered with some crazy bad beats :loon Well played Washman & Stumpster+all other PL's:clap Tonight just shows how many people are truly eligible for these Poker Player/WPT freerolls.22 players tonight..... Lets hope the Mags do this in future,that you need to deposit & earn a certain number of points before you can qualify for the freeroll. Well Played Poker player mag :ok

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Re: PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm PL win top 3 prizes, well done guys Well done all esp washman and stumpster and other pl members and thanks to pokerplayer magazine for running this event this is how freerolls should be deposit and earn points and buy magazine to get password gg all

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Re: PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm just to say well done again guys and good luck in the Masters Washy:hope just sorted out with PKR as well as they put me in as a new player all the bonuses that the promo entailed, so upgraded to member now and have the depositors and mini masters tickets and the 1000 points added.

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Re: PPMag / PKR Freeroll June 16th 7.30pm PL win top 3 prizes, well done guys

Well done all esp washman and stumpster and other pl members and thanks to pokerplayer magazine for running this event this is how freerolls should be deposit and earn points and buy magazine to get password gg all
It would be great if all magazine games were set up this way, but it will never happen. If I was the PKR employee responsible for setting this up I think I'd be looking for another job this morning. Only 22 runners, of which I would guess a maximum of 11 new players hardly makes it worth giving away $2770 in total :\ But thanks to PKR and Poker Player for setting this one up that way :cheers
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