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Wednesday 15/5/13


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Re: Wednesday 15/5/13 Will be playing : Stars $5.50 1000Cap : Cureently 168/223/675 , ooo just doubled up 77 > AQ so back to average got a big stack early but then lost a 12K pot in 3bet pot c/r flopped straight with 97 on j108 board he call turn 9 I jam pot size bet probably should thought a bit more maybe still get it in but bit unhappy how I play it. now 101/206 with 90 paid busted 170th shoved button for 15BB with A9 got called by SB with AJ who had me covered by a blind he holds. 170th / 675 888 UK Freeroll : Over played top pair against flopped set when he flat called my raise in 5 way pot on a 2 heart flop , ck/call'd my turn bet of 3/4 pot then he min bet blank river 20 in 1050(approx) pot I then misplay my hand shoving when should flat. Out Early Stars $27 SCOOP L Super KO : Late Reg'd using a sat ticket but unfortunately lost a flip for a bounty 33>AQ and busted shortly after. OUT Early Luckily made a bit in cash and heads up to still have profitable day :)

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