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where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013


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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Stars: SCOOP Event 1 L-1919/9326/25224 3rd Break Marbella Freeroll Final-OUT Sunday Storm-15592/21594/23823 1st Break Full tilt The Fiver-OUT Just these for now, got an eye on the football aswel! GL all

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Saved all my run bad for this Sunday typically, busted the 22 JJ v A10 on a 10 high board. Busted the 55 first hand basically AA v KK (about 10 minutes ago), river K, must be nice, the 109 KK v AJ river flush. Had a power cut during the 6 max 27 scoop and blinded down quite significantly. Feckin missed the price on Shesastar in the 4.25 at Donny tomorrow cos of the power cut Gunna have to win the scoop 27 event 02 or Storm this week GL Hebert in the 6 max, I'm buzzin to make a day 2 on one of them.

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Busted in 4k just off the money, thought I played well there though. Yeah making a day 2 would be awesome in one of these its just the times, won't be able to play many around work but hopefully can get a few in. Just left with these for tonight: Sky: Mini Primo ComeOn: 10k Gtd FullTilt: The Unicorn 888: 2k Gtd

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Nice one Al :clap is that because I wasn't playing :unsure lol, just jesting. Frustrating night for me as anticipated. Run like god all week in the satellites, couldn't last forever. Desperately close in the GUKPT final yet again despite all the tw#t talk from coco the clown, never got a hand (ok very few) in ppukt and floated JJ into KK mid way through GPS.

Stars UKIPT/Marbella festival freeroll final = 783/1115 (1) Grosvenor GUKPT freeroll = 67/85 (5) Grosvenor (£22R token) GUKPT final = 3/12 (1) Grosvenor (£11 token) PPUKT final = 21/35 (3+1) Genting (£55 token) GPS final = 47/91 (10+3) Genting (£5.50) GPS sat = still in Gl everyone
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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 it was a tough one Bart, went down to 6 chips 1 hand before add on, i was all in with J/10 and jimmy pushed susie off and lucky for me he had the same hand. Didnt look back after that,so used to short stack play it is now a strength of mine. mind you my 2/2 cracking K/K helped :)

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Wow, nicely done :notworthy * * * * * Guys in the PPUKT final, namely Nemo & SonicMan, don't forget that play stops when 3 players reached and expenses are determined by chip count! ;) gl guys

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 Decent consolation in final game of the day, came back from 1.5bb late on in the game to dominate & bully everyone on ft with a big stack. ;) Genting (£5.50) GPS sat = 1/48 (4+7) +£55 Seat

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Re: where are you playing Sunday 12th May 2013 im out ko 6th thou I believe guy who ko me out just got chip dumped by his pal whom I checked hand history hardly played a hand and goes all in on turn with 88 with a j 9 3 and the other guy has ak instantly calls wtf total joke players cheating and I can't even be bothered complaining bout it as its pointless gonna just from now on play for the money and xxxx the seat I say

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