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Sunday Storm and The Big $11


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  • Name: Lewis Sinclair ( IAmThebes578 )
  • Stake Requested: $22
  • Event/Tournament: Sunday Storm and the Big 11
  • Offer: can discuss offer over PM or skype.
  • Date of Event/Tournament: May 5th

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I (Lewis Sinclair) agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. http://www.pokerprolabs.co.uk/ My stat's not best in the world. Been on the site now for a wee while, done stakes for Joe and fear. Looking to do these event's as always I'll keep updates during tournaments and I am always online if you need to speak to me.

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 A couple of questions Magic: - have you emailed PL with a copy of your ID (as stated in rules for staking for those with less than 250 posts)? - a couple of weeks ago you were wanting to get involved in Sunday Million group, and are now asking for small stakes, what happened? - you played a game staked by Joe a couple of days ago, gave one early update, and then didn't post anything for 24 hours, and when you did you said you had to go to a party - if you can't be bothered to update your staker with details of how you busted, how do you expect to get a future stake? No offence meant, you may well be genuine, but I wouldn't stake you given the above questions :\

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 Hey, I had to withdraw my Bankroll due to personal reasons, and when I was playing for Joe, I had got busted on the Friday, my friend Simon from next door came over to invite me for a party, which then I switched the laptop off, I forgot to update for Joe to say that I was busted. On the Saturday I was sick,and I couldn't even move. I am genuine, I just forgot about doing the update, as my friend came just as I got knocked out. As for the ID, I said for the my first requested stake, I don't have any formal ID yet, though pokerstars did a electrical search or something to do with my Post Code. Really wanting to play these tournaments, I know it's hard at first to trust, but with doing few stakes already and the backers where happy with me.

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 ps1w.jpg 1. This is not designed to question your intentions or integrity 0Magic14 but more to serve as a way of informing and protecting potential backers and to help you avoid appearing on the staking blacklist ! 2. In addition to what Washman said , I notice since I checked quite a while ago that you have now opted out of Sharkscope as above so (a) You are winning so much you don't want people to see how good you are (I understand that concept) or (b) You aren't a profitable player (only a small proportion are so no problem there) and you don't want people to see that ..... the only problem is that some backers look at stats before staking. From the stats that are available you fall into point (b) and only you know the reason why you opted out. Its a free country but I think others will see my point. Its not the small stakes that is the problem per se ..... If you win big then I for one would be less than confident of getting a return paid out to be honest. I don't know how you have got staking so far on all known stats and what Washman has said , that's up to the mods and the backers :) To be fair both ways , I know you didn't play on Saturday in your defence as records confirm that .... but you aren't making it easy for yourself. 3. Hopefully this harsh advice is helpful.

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 Thanks Dream. I know people are trying to help me, and I am taking all the advice on board. I want to be a profitable player, but some how just can't get to that point. I want to get better at MTT's I feel that I am a okay player but I get stuck on when I should make a good call or a good fold. in SNG's I am somehow more profitable than I am in MTT's, as it says in my stats though I could be reading the stars wrong. As I said, I am wanting to get better at MTT's, if anyone could help me do this by coaching me or something would be helpful.

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 Only thing with a coach is to find a decent one they will more than likely charge quite a high hourly rate, unless someone on here can help you out (a lot of quality players about who know there stuff). Have you tried reviewing your game to see where your going wrong? Reading some poker books? Even choosing a low stakes tourney to be backed in with less variance than the Storm and Big 11 could help, people will be put off by the numbers that play these. Maybe choosing A few low stakes tourneys on some of the smaller sites with less numbers playing them. I wouldn't judge your game on these tourneys that get 5000+ players as anyone who plays poker knows you need a hell of a lot of luck to win these or even FT them. Wish you luck :)

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 That's spot on advice from herbert10 , Lewis , I noticed you are getting in the top 20% in really large fields .... build on that as per the advice above with smaller fields and aim for consistent top 10% finishes ie in the money .... then top 5% etc , etc. This involves (taking advice from Negreanu and Hellmuth to a degree) , small pot poker early on and rarely getting all in without the nuts obviously :). If you intermix that with your own ideas and ability you will consistently go deep - remember patience is the number one piece of advice to remember. If you are stuck as to whether to call or fold , then just work out your chances of getting a better spot and whether you think you can recover in relation to chip stack/BB's. Basic advice but maybe someone like Washman can add to this ;)

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 Watch online sickos, I've spent hours railing the likes of Moorman, 1BigAceHole, SamSquid, 810ofclubs, nebo_blizko and tons more. They all play differently but follow a few key concepts that you'll notice. Read twoplustwo, the best source of free information you'll come across. The only way to become successful in poker is to put in a lot of hard work away from the tables. It's not easy, and it's not always enjoyable but it's what you have to do.

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Re: Sunday Storm and The Big $11 My advice Lewis is to stick around, join in the forum games and gain experience from playing them, contribute to the forum and see how things go from there. At the moment no one is going to be staking you, it is irrelevant if its low stakes or high stakes that you are after you need to fully understand the rulings that pl set out and abide by them, as washman kindly pointed out we need copies of id before we even consider letting you put stakings up. As for now keep grinding away and best of luck.

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