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What do you think of this line?


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My history on the player was that he liked to play aggro especially on the river which is why I tried to trap him , on the river her not sure what to do as not seen him call many bets normally he was checked to then play aggro , though did see him bluffing with bottom pair and missed flush draw for 4x pot on river and getting paid by ace high :unsure. In this hand it didn't feel like he was bluffing the river , what's your play? Do you raise flop ? turn? Call or fold river? PokerStars Hand #97011128122: Tournament #714721376, $1.00+$0.10 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2013/04/11 19:10:27 WET [2013/04/11 14:10:27 ET] Table '714721376 401' 6-max Seat #4 is the button Seat 1: thetripp62 (7762 in chips) Seat 2: mahacis (5575 in chips) Seat 3: flushuagain (28520 in chips) Seat 4: Danshot89 (14518 in chips) Seat 5: mimino-star (11230 in chips) Seat 6: DiarioMan (5567 in chips) thetripp62: posts the ante 20 mahacis: posts the ante 20 flushuagain: posts the ante 20 Danshot89: posts the ante 20 mimino-star: posts the ante 20 DiarioMan: posts the ante 20 mimino-star: posts small blind 75 DiarioMan: posts big blind 150 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Danshot89 [Ts Td] thetripp62: folds mahacis: raises 300 to 450 flushuagain: calls 450 Danshot89: calls 450 mimino-star: folds DiarioMan: folds *** FLOP *** [3c Th 8s] mahacis: bets 750 flushuagain: calls 750 Danshot89: calls 750 *** TURN *** [3c Th 8s] [2d] mahacis: bets 1650 flushuagain: calls 1650 Danshot89: calls 1650 *** RIVER *** [3c Th 8s 2d] [Js] mahacis: checks flushuagain: bets 11700

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Re: What do you think of this line? I never had him on JJ because he was definitely 3 betting this pre-flop or raising the flop , I had him on 97 or Q9 straight or a random Jx 2 pair hand. Was a 2x average stack do we still have to insta call ?

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Re: What do you think of this line? It's a $1 comp, in my experience people show up with all kinds of crap in these games, although 97 is part of his range so are many other hands we beat, random 2 pairs, lower sets, air. Is he calling flop and turn with Q9 on a gut shot? Wouldnt surprise me depending on how terrible he is, but 97 seems more likely. I think you're probably right about JJ with you left to act behind him so the only part of his range that take it is 97. Cant fold, wont fold, and expect to be good most of the time.

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Re: What do you think of this line? This is a tough one I think, I didn't really mind your play pre-flop. At these stakes a re-raise would have most probably just led to a load of all-ins and you would of had to fold. After that flop though i'd be playing it as aggro as possible for as much value as possible. Not much point trying to trap here because your going to get calls with anything like top pair or 2 pair (Even high card:unsure). I'd be 3 betting at least pot size here with the hope of others coming back over the top all in.

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Re: What do you think of this line? He was terrible and that is why I paused for a moment because I felt with his paired hands he might have raised I froze for about 10seconds said to my GF got a horrible feeling he hit the straight and wish I shoved turn but I just can't fold this hand esp, $1 MTT against a player already seen shove bottom pair on river. So the line is okay in the long run?

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Re: What do you think of this line? Don't mind the flop call as there's barely any bad turns for your hand and a huge amount of turn cards will hit our opponents but would probably be best to raise any turn card to bloat the pot to look to get stacks in on any river card. The stack after their turn bets is about 7,000, ideally we can look to raise to set up a shove on the river so you can raise to like 4,500 on the turn and hope to get stacks vs the big stack. The problem on the river is you can so easily have 79 here and the guy has gone all-in seemingly not worried at all about you having a possible straight. The question then is are they considering what their hand looks like (i.e. could they be bluffing as they know their play looks so strong with you to still to act) or are they just considering their hand and so are pretty much never bluffing and always have the nuts?

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Re: What do you think of this line?

what did he have in the end' date=' most of the time it will be 79 or q9.[/quote'] He had Q9 which I let get to the river and I paid off , he played some weird river spots before so I felt i'm good the majority of time
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