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Sunny Sunday 7/4/13


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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13 Don't feel guilty Bart , for your benefit only he won a couple of SS 2nd Aniv sats on the 03/04 ..... up to him obviously but he had the $11 entry twice and spent it on other tournies. Thats poker so you should feel better ;) http://pokerprolabs.com/iamthebes578/PokerStars

Hi Magic, Sorry I feel really guilty for closing your staking request and did think about using more discretion on this occasion but hope you appreciate the reasons why we have guideline staking rules inforce. Not sure what level sngs you usually play, but there are a lot of quite small buyin satellites to the Storm running at the moment (from $0.10 rebuy or $1 freezeout upwards) Maybe you could try a shot at 1 or 2, but ofcourse stay within brm and don't go spoiling your main sng funding by doing so. Edit: Also fpp buyin sats from memory, but can't check at moment.
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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13 Busted Storm, picked the right play against the right guy but at the wrong time. Stars rewarded him overplaying A4 on Axx board with a 4 on the turn overtaking my better ace. I could've played it better to be honest but always happy to get it in against these guys. With over 110k entries & counting variance always going to be high, happy to save myself a few hours. Gl those left in & whatever else everyone is playing in particular the 2x league teams playing today & Al in the Sunday Mill :hope

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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13

200k 143/368
Keep it going mate! gotta be in it to win it
Got through the $25 Step 2 and then the $115 Step 3 to qualify for the $525 Step 4 next Sunday. :cow
Quality, best of luck in step 4! Currently 4/18/190 in $1k Gtd on 888 so hopefully can ship that!
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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13 Can't believe that, finished 13th in $1k Gtd 1st, my pocket Q go all in against A/J and he hits A....I lose 3/5 of my stack 2nd, I get A/J and Lose even more of my stack to a re-raiser who I put on a better hand 3rd, Get pocket Q again in cut off and time out as internet stalls, SB raises and BB raises all in, they each turn over 7/7 and 5/5 :wall Ended up getting Blinded out pretty much Not been my weekend! GL everyone still playing :ok

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