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Sunny Sunday 7/4/13


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I won't be playing the storm unless I can get a stake for it as I mostly play sngs and the $11 is outwith my BR.
Hi Magic, Sorry I feel really guilty for closing your staking request and did think about using more discretion on this occasion but hope you appreciate the reasons why we have guideline staking rules inforce. Not sure what level sngs you usually play, but there are a lot of quite small buyin satellites to the Storm running at the moment (from $0.10 rebuy or $1 freezeout upwards) Maybe you could try a shot at 1 or 2, but ofcourse stay within brm and don't go spoiling your main sng funding by doing so. Edit: Also fpp buyin sats from memory, but can't check at moment.
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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13 Heniek I lasted all of 7 hands after I joined the blinds at 75/150 and get all in with kings vs aces and bizarrely after my 3 bet 66 flatted and called a shove and a call for 75% his stack. No miracle aces hold for 14.5Kpot I win 700 side pot vs 66 guy lol. Next hand 66 shove the aces guy has KJsuited and flop leaves me needing 1 outer didn't happen. Good Luck everyone else

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Re: Sunny Sunday 7/4/13 14.7k Storm 2nd break (avg 8.4k), story so far: 5k > 5.2k > 2.7k #1 > 4.2k > 8.6k #2 > 12k #3 > 10.4k #4 > 14.9k #1 poorly played 2p, flush got there #2 flopped fh, slow played, villan hit lower fh on turn #3 chased nut flush 3way, got there #4 folded 66 fh on 474.4 board when kiddie shoves big on turn after calling my pre & post flop raises

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