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Late Reg


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I have been playing a few of the sub $5 PokerStars daytime tourneys recently. Generally 2 - 5K entrants. I tend to late reg around the 45 minute mark as I only play one at a time and I just join whichever is running. I don't mind taking a chance to double up early if I get the right cards with position. The standard in the first 10/12 levels is generally pretty dire, even for me, with a lot of people willing to make crazy bluffs or call off with mid pairs. I have had the usual mix of suckouts, coolers and suddenly card dead runs, but I have also been leading in a few with less than 300 left, although no decent cashes as yet. (best 9/3856) What I wanted to ask is how do you all approach these tourneys with extended reg periods? Is it worthwhile joining at the start or is my strategy correct? By joining at around 45 minutes I sacrifice the opportunity to shoot some fish, but avoid some suckouts. Then again I have about 70% of the average stack to start with. Thoughts anyone? EB

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Re: Late Reg I'm in the same boat with this, sometimes the late reg can be really annoying if you start when the tourney begins then have to tread water for 1 or 2 hours. I think this mostly depends on whether your a better pre-flop or post-flop player. The late reg definitely benefits most pre-flop players as this means they can late reg whenever and still have a decent chance. For a better post flop player, reg'ing early would definitely benefit more as you get to see a lot more hands and make plays whilst the blinds are still growing (obviously reg'ing early could wipe out any card dead spells you might have aswel) IMO. I try to reg early (in tournaments with no more than an hour late reg as I like to see flops and I think I'm generally better post-flop) and try to build a stack so i've at least got an average or above stack for when the reg closes. At the end of the day though it's just a matter of opinion I think what kind of stakes or tourney make a difference aswel. Obviously lower stakes mean more fish which means if you are a half decent player post or pre flop your going to have an edge anyway. Turbos are probably better to reg early aswel as you wouldn't have much time to wait for even a half decent hand if you reg'd just before closing.

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Re: Late Reg Hi guys. I thought I'd share some information which my friend shared me into a half decent winning streak. Here we go. Firstly NEVER late reg or try you're best not to, the reasons why I'll explain. 1. When you late reg you're going to be at a disadvantage because when the blinds get higher and the lower stacks get lower the tend to shove with any AX or Kx and defo any pocket pair at any given chance. 2. The bigger chip stacks who've been in since the start will have more chips than you ( Obviously ) and will have better reads on the other players as they been in longer and will call a lot lighter than normal, the middle stages in the tournaments on stars are a lot harder as their are more fishy players, but this is what you want really. All in all, try not to late reg, you'll need to shove any Kx or Ax and defo and pair 77+. Hope this helps Magic

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Re: Late Reg When I read "no decent cashes as yet. (best 9/3856)", I'm thinking 'This guy has a much higher bar than me!', but when I go and look (at a 3,666 player tournament), it's kind of a sad payout really, although this might be a general problem more than specific to Poker Stars. I don't know, because not many places get this size of a field. So anyway, 9th only gets 17 times what the lowest casher (451st-495th) receives, yet 1st gets 19 times what 9th gets. Considering how time has a value too, I think late reg is quite attractive now, but not for reasons you'd put forward. Before now, I always tried to be there from the very start.

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