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Aussie Millions


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Re: Aussie Millions

you dont have to answer' date='but what sort of maximum roll are you working with,or just hoofing it?[/quote'] Along similar lines - aren't you "too good" to be playing $1 MTTs? Wouldn't your time be better spent playing your normal stakes and then buying into later rounds directly with your usual winnings? Anyway, best of luck - I really hope you do it (AGAIN!) :) PS: All those seconds, I think you need to work on your Heads Up Game :moon:moon:moon:moon:p
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Re: Aussie Millions You might be right about the $1 MTTs, but I can't seem to cash in anything on 888, so don't really have a choice, as I don't particularly want to be paying $25 for a turbo satellite (I think they're all 6 min blinds). To be honest, I think there is more chance of a seat on bwin, as I seem much more comfortable playing on ongame (no logical explanation for that though). You're definitely right about my heads up play :loon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Aussie Millions Well, the following Sunday's game was cancelled after bwin decided to change software on the Sunday evening :wall Since then, the $8 freezeout sats never get enough runners to produce a seat in next round, and the $74 round twos never have enough players to give a seat in final :\ Will have a look to see if $74 game will run today, but in the meantime have deposited on 888 for a final go next week. First game was $1 rebuy, and no luck. Second game $5 freezeout: aussie1c.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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