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Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Blackpool 3rd Nov


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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Reading 16th June I wish I could feckin sat into these cos they must be some of the softest £500 comps in the world. You read the blog updates and some of the play is horrific. This geezer who won the Reading GUKPT last week, one of the hands he played;

Peter Haslam opens the action making it 1700 to play and is called in just 4 spots! The players see a flop as it comes A–K–Q all hearts. Everyone checks to see the turn card that comes the four of hearts. The action is checked to Terry Plummer who bets 5500, directly to his left James Martin raises to 50,000!! All players get out of the way and James shows J-J with the Jack of hearts for the nuts!! He takes the pot, but I’m calling that the strangest play of the day after the huge raise!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Walsall 7th July

Out. Pushed all in on Q65 board with A5 and got snapped by KK after having to commit to a 3bet preflop.
Unlucky there Wolf, sound like you had a rollercoaster day chip-wise! I went out at end of Level 8 about an hour before the end of day 1 to a really nasty beat! I was on table 11 one of 2 outside the main air-conned card room. The heat was unbearable on these tables and was there till tables got broken around 9pm. I really saw little of note on this table, apart from 10-10 twice where I just took the blinds with no showdown. Got moved in to the main room after this with about 13k in chips, having to survive mainly on the odd steal here and there just to keep in touch. With Blinds at 300-600 (75 ante) I picked up AsAh in BB. A guy in mid position raised to 1400 and I know he's stealing but I want to maximise the hand as I've seen nothing pretty much for nearly 11 hours, so I reraised to 3800, which he flat called. Flop came Ac9c3c, trip A's for me, but obvious club threat. Anyway I'm not messing about so I jam the rest in (around 9k in to a pot around 8.5k) , and he snap called me....making it a pot around 27K and not that far off the 35k average stack with an hour to play. So he flips over QsJc ....drawing to the club! turn is Kh....river 10d! He has broadway straight on river, ho hum, nice play! To be fair I wanted this guy calling me, as if I had shoved all in to the initial raise he would have folded the QJ and I would have only got around 2k in chips, no good at all at that stage, as I would still have been looking to double up again. Must say the standard of play was really poor, so I'm looking forward to the next one now!
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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Walsall 7th July

Must say the standard of play was really poor, so I'm looking forward to the next one now!
Considering the amount of big live tournies we at pl qualify for our ROI is depressing. I'm over $20k down on my own and apart from Runadrums effort in the Aussie Millions I haven't seen much other returns. Duncan would be the first to admit a lot of that would be down to running like god. I think we are missing something in large buy in deep stacked tournies, they certainly have nothing in common with the sort of stuff we play on line. I am beginning to think you need to gamble a lot more just like the villain did.
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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Walsall 7th July I take your point Ed that collectively PL does not make the cash at a lot of these live tournies. Having seen some of the plays at the Walsall game, I would have to agree with what you said about the 'gambling' element in these £500 games. Some of the biggest stacks were pushing junk much of the time and just hitting lucky on the big pots, quite often when they were way behind. Whether the standard had dropped as a lot of pro's were still in Vegas I don't know, only 1 I saw was Jeff kimber who was on my 2nd table, and he only had short stack too. Anyway, hopeful for the next few live games and its all good experience, especially when you see that there are still plenty of weak players entering these.

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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Walsall 7th July New to punters lounge so can hopefully contribute in the future. Despite the bad play I had a tough table with 3 of them making the final but I agree about the gambling element. I don't play live that much but am quite familiar with a lot of the guys on the live circuit. Seemed to be standard to create am big pot with a random hand and hope to get lucky to stack up. I look forward to meeting a few off here in future events ;)

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Re: Grosvenor UK Poker Tour (GUKPT) 2013 - Next Leg Walsall 7th July Unlucky Spit and Wolf , good effort :ok Does anyone feel that maybe the reason is playing scared money in the early levels and not wanting to gamble off our stack for a buy in that is way out of their normal and try get value for money from the experience of these GUKPT , and maybe harming chances of cashing my trying to survive to min cash and then aim to gamble up as even just cashing would represent a sizable boost of expandable income. That said on the whole most players on here seem more knowledge than your average player at most given tourneys , so Punters Lounge are due a deep run .

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

First 2 levels not much to report, first level won a few and lost a couple. Hit a set of queens and had to fold the river and folded top two pair which cost me a few chips, pretty sure they were the correct folds. Joe Greche on my immediate left so keeping me entertained and Sam Grafton on my table till he bust and reentered. Sent from my GT-I9300 using PL Forum

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Looks like a 30-40k overlay at the moment. Down to 15k still play left with 100-200 blinds, must admit played to passively last two levels to much calling in position instead of 3betting. Perhaps I will feel more comfortable when I am down to 20-30BB where their wont be so much post flop play1 Sent from my GT-I9300 using PL Forum

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