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beginner poker advice


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- what site to choose. well that all depends on what your looking for. if your looking to grind mtts then pokerstars is a very good choice, if you looking to grind cash there are plenty of soft cash games available i think 888poker would be a very good choice or because your a beginner all you want to do at the moment is just play for fun then i would suggest playing the freerolls there are plenty of freerolls to play on most sites. - what is your bankroll. so this is basically how much your going to deposit so lets say you deposit $100 good bankroll management suggests your buy ins should be between 2-5% so with $100 bankroll you would be looking to play between 2-5$ games. using bankroll management helps you from going bust as the variance in poker is crazy. - what to play. in my opinion the best bankroll builders are sng's (sit and goes) these are basically very small tournaments. sng's are good bankroll builders because the variance in these are alot alot less than mtts so if you can play competent poker sng's could see you increasing your bankroll quite easily. mtts (multi table tournaments) my personal favorite due to small risk big reward these however have unreal variance even if your a good player you can go weeks or months without a descent cash but when you get that top 3 finish you will recover all your losses they are however alot harder than sng's alot more strategy based. cash (cash games) so these are completely different to sng's and mtt's, cash games you buy in for a specific amount e.g 0.2/0.4c $4 would be the max buy in here. now in cash games because if you lose your whole stack you can just rebuy again people are not afraid to play aggressively so what i would advise in cash games is just sit back nit it up and just play solid abc tight poker.............it works! - improving. now your all set up it would be a good idea to try and improve as the game is constantly evolving. i would suggest study poker books. dan harringtons books are a very good starting point and should teach you the fundementals of mtt's. there are also plenty of poker training sites that are very helpful, these sites have videos of pros playing that you can watch, they also have poker articles you can read.hh (hand history) reviews after you have played a game review the way you played hands, see if there are any hands that you could of played different is there any situations where you could of extracted more value, is there any hands that you had a feeling you were beat but just called anyway to see if your read was right. studying your hh can drastically improve your game because looking back at hand you may notice leaks where you need to improve and without studying hh you want be able to plug your leaks. ps im terrible at writing so hopefully this isnt to bad it just a little pointer to help out beginners.

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Re: beginner poker advice thought I would hijack and throw some general advice out there, mostly things I have struggled with. - take a breath before big decisions (it will stop you making probably 80% of the stupid calls/shoves that you do) - no such thing as pot committed - don't ignore maths/stats but don't become over reliant on them either - use your brain 100% of the time (if you decide to fold a hand when someone bet, think what would I have done if he had checked, what hands would I call/raise with - rather than just fold/move on) - notsobeginner but everything in your game should be fluid These are the things that have held me back.

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