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Quest for profit! ...Now taking a shot


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Re: Quest for profit! I personally suck at cash tables, tending to lose interest ultra quickly and ending up opening too wide. Much prefer mtt or stt's so I can't personally offer any worthwhile advice on this occasion. Do however wish you every success with your challenge and will follow your progress with interest. Like you say, we've some strong cash players here in the forum, I'm sure some will pop by in due course to offer advice, second opinions & support. Good luck :ok Bart

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Re: Quest for profit!

I personally suck at cash tables, tending to lose interest ultra quickly and ending up opening too wide. Much prefer mtt or stt's so I can't personally offer any worthwhile advice on this occasion. Do however wish you every success with your challenge and will follow your progress with interest. Like you say, we've some strong cash players here in the forum, I'm sure some will pop by in due course to offer advice, second opinions & support. Good luck :ok Bart
Appreciate the comment Bart cheers. How do you get on with the MTT's and STT's, I prefer to play in tournaments but I personally think i'm better in the cash games as then I can play for as long as I want and i'm not stuck in for the long haul. I seen you had a big win the other week on another thread on here congrats on that aswel! :ok
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Re: Quest for profit! Keep up the good work herbert :ok I.m with Bart here that i suck at cash games and only stick to mtts, i just haven't got the patients for cash so i can't give you any real advice but i'm sure one of the cash game players with give you some input along the lines. All the best of luck.

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Re: Quest for profit!

Keep up the good work herbert :ok I.m with Bart here that i suck at cash games and only stick to mtts, i just haven't got the patients for cash so i can't give you any real advice but i'm sure one of the cash game players with give you some input along the lines. All the best of luck.
thanks alot appreciate the input :ok Didn't think I had the patience for cash either but we'll see I suppose. :\ What kind of stakes do you play tourneys at? I prefer to play tourneys but from now on i'm going to stick to cash see how it goes, if things go well maybe chuck in a couple of MTT's.
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Re: Quest for profit! Alot of ups and downs tonight, I think i'm overplaying too much at the 0.01/0.02NL stakes, I have to play alot more basic at these low stakes. Have been reading a few posts on micros and found a good one on another site that was very informative. Up to just over 600 hands now on PartyP and just about breaking even, going to try to alter the style of play a little bit and see what happens. Will update in next couple of hours. :\

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Re: Quest for profit! A big downswing in play yesterday managed to pull it back, if anyones interested I can post a few hands from the session. Heres how im currently doing on both stars and PartyP both are going to plan at the moment. PartyP mycurrencywoningbpoverh.png Stars hebert8.png Probably won't play today got a few things to do. Grateful for any comments or tips you have for me, cheers.

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Re: Quest for profit! $0.02/$0.04 - Holdem - 9 players SB: $1.70 BB: $0.57 UTG: $0.49 UTG+1: $0.65 UTG+2: $0.79 MP: $1.22 MP+1: $0.78 Hero (CO): $1.65 BTN: $0.88 SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02 Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has Ts Qc fold, fold, UTG+2 raises to $0.04, fold, fold, Hero calls $0.04, fold, fold, fold Flop: ($0.11, 2 players) Ac Kc Jc UTG+2 bets $0.02, Hero calls $0.02 Turn: ($0.15, 2 players) Tc UTG+2 checks, Hero bets $0.04, UTG+2 calls $0.04 River: ($0.23, 2 players) 8h UTG+2 checks, Hero bets $0.04, UTG+2 calls $0.04 Hero shows Ts Qc (Royal Flush) (Pre 34%, Flop 83%, Turn 100%) UTG+2 mucks Kh Ah (Two Pair, Aces and Kings) (Pre 66%, Flop 17%, Turn 0%) Hero wins $0.30 My 1st ever royal flush!!! :nana will update the quest later on, still not much to shout about though...:eyes

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Re: Quest for profit! As i'm playing more I feel i'm starting to beat the 0.01/0.02NL Stakes. I'm going to get to about around 10,000 hands and then decide whether i'm going to move up in stakes or continue on at this level but at the moment i'm doing alot better than i thought I would I didn't really expect to be above break even, along the way i've been trying alot of new things and new plays and reading alot online. Over the last 1000 hands or so I feel i've found a style which suits me at this level and i'm going to use this style for a few more thousand hands and see how it goes. For alot of this challenge I feel I was playing too many tables but now i'm comfortable with the amount. here are the latest tables... Stars starsxk.png PartyP partyp.png 888 888km.png Comments/views appreciated :ok

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Re: Quest for profit! Heres how i'm doing so far not managed to play much lately so will try get a few small sessions in over next few days... pgraph.png Achieving my goal of beating these limits at the moment but the amount of suckouts and just pure idiots at these stakes is shocking! Going to be more aggressive and try to crush these stakes now soon so I can move up!

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Re: Quest for profit!

Just read about your Royal Flush, nice one :nana Your graphs suddenly remind me how swingy this can be, pretty solid start though, keep it going :ok
Cheers Bart :ok The downswings are mainly from getting sucked out on...Should see some of the hands some of these players get to the river with it's unreal. Saw a fish the other day build on a table from $2 to $20 in about an hour from pure luck, hopefuly slowly but surely I can build this roll up and expolit all these fish.
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Re: Quest for profit! Happy with how things are going so far...hoping to build my roll up some more just to be safe with my BRM and then move up to the next limit. I'm finding my styles working alot better than at the start when I was playing TAG, my post flop play is alot better than most players at this level, most will go all the way to a showdown with mid or low pair or sometimes even just a high card :eek Anyway on to more important things here is my graph so far: pgraph.png Any comments welcome :ok

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Re: Quest for profit! ...Now taking a shot Couple of days break to have another 'Shot'! Going to bank the $40 odd made off cash and have a go at HU Hyper Sit and gos, this is where I really could go broke! $100 Starting bank, played some last night here's where we stand so far starting with $3.50's: prizeswonovertournamentg.jpg This could get swingy!

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Re: Quest for profit! ...Now taking a shot well, take a look at this graph :loon prizeswonovertournamento.jpg Don't think I could handle the swings of just grinding these all the time! They are pretty fun though. Fair play to people who grind these for a living the swings must be brutal! What kind of stakes do you play with them Dan? Can imagine theres more strategy involved at higher stakes.

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Re: Quest for profit! ...Now taking a shot I usually play $3.50 or $7 only play higher when tilting a habit need to change but I mainly play them as fitting in MTTs is sometimes a struggle if try juggle it with anything else that day or they run to late

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