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The Nearly Man of Poker...........


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Ive been playing poker on/off for a few years but whereas previously i played for "something to do" whilst trawling the internet i have more recently after a substancial break from the game started to take the game more seriously. I have listened and taken stock that this game is a little more about skill than i once thought. Those who have played recent PL leagues will have noted i have had an excellent run since starting participating with PL. [TABLE]

[TR] [TD=width: 67%] PL Career [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] League Place [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 67%] [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 67%]Grosvenor June 2012 [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] 1 / 56 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 67%] Stan James September 2012 [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] 5 / 39 [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=width: 67%] Grosvenor September 2012 [/TD] [TD=width: 33%] 22 / 63 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Stan James October 2012 currently leading. I have been pleased with my finishing positions and its given me some confidence in my game. However, these games are relatively low stake, low winnings and when i look at the Personal Best winnings on here it shames me. Granted i dont play that often, and havent invested too much over the years but there has now and again and even more recently been several shots at winning something big. Last night i was 2 places away from winning a £1,070 gukpt seat, a few weeks ago 2 places away from winning a Vegas package, and not so long back close to a ukppl Leeds seat. In the past i have lost out at low-stake huge MTTs close to the money with a monster hand. I havent finished well in the 2 finals i reached from the above despite starting the SJ one in 2nd place due to player points. It seems that whenever there is something big at stake i miss out, but put me in a freeroll and i will romp the field. Has anyone else been in this situation before and can offer me any advice as to how i can improve on my PB and take my play to the next level
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Re: The Nearly Man of Poker........... Sounds to me that your playing right if your busting out close to the big prizes(no guts no glory) but it would be interesting to see the hand for last nights game with you being so close to the prize were you the short stack or did you have enough chips to survive. When i was playing on full tilt i was staked to play the sattys to the blt and had very strict rules to follow about which hands to play in which position and once you had reached the target stack size it was a case of foldin everything even aces( which almost broke my heart to do) but i finished the top for his staking challenge because i stuck to his rules maybe it's something you should look into if your playing sattys to bigger tournaments.

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Re: The Nearly Man of Poker........... The scenario roughly was 6 players left from 29 with top 4 winning a £1,070 gukpt seat and 5th place £70. I was on around 9k chips and in 6th place. 5th place had 11k. The top four were over 20k each. It was a deepish stack event and i had not been near top spot throughout. Card dead for long periods and the few times i did get monsters they all folded to raises. I was in BB with AKo. First to act had raised to 1000k and 4th to act raised to 4k. I used most of my time bank and decided to shove all-in. £70 was not worth folding out and i saw this as a decent opportunity of really moving into contention. The first to act folded and i got the call who turned over QQ and i didnt hit. I played to win rather than settle for 5th.

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Re: The Nearly Man of Poker........... How big were the blinds? i'm guessing around 300/400 With an UTG raise which is a sign of strength and then re-raise which he's pretty much saying iv got a very strong hand did you have any reads on him was he playing tight? was he 3 betting a lot? I'm often guilty of this myself but did you think about what his cards were? As for being card dead there is no such thing, Often when i hit a final table i change my game totally and play hands i wouldn't in the earlier stages of a tournament and open my range up and use position as tool and look for who is being aggressive and who is being tight and play them accordingly.

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