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excel help using shin FLB

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hi been a while but ive been busy reading up on betting an how the odds are compiled an stumbled upon a few scientific papers covering optimal betting odds an the FLB favourite long shot bias not sure i have it the right way round in excel an was wondering if any of you good people have managed to get a working model of shin 91.92.93 into excel an wouldn't mind showing an example thanks SC

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Re: excel help using shin FLB http://www.math.ku.dk/~rolf/teaching/thesis/Shin91.pdf http://www.math.ku.dk/~rolf/teaching/thesis/Shin92.pdf http://www.math.ku.dk/~rolf/teaching/thesis/Shin93.pdf foundem think i have 91 an 92 but 93 puts them all together an it confused me this is the 1st paper lost the link to 92/93 but will look for them after ive had a crack at building a staking calc ive read about in precision which im hoping to build around these papers thanks saint

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Re: excel help using shin FLB

http://www.math.ku.dk/~rolf/teaching/thesis/Shin91.pdf this is the 1st paper lost the link to 92/93 but will look for them after ive had a crack at building a staking calc ive read about in precision which im hoping to build around these papers thanks saint
Mr CX Wong!! I've not read it as yet - but I will. How did you find it? Seems to be a brilliant text from the snippets I have read - although I wasn't overly impressed with the spreadsheets I have seen thus far!
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Re: excel help using shin FLB Havent read through all the papers yet will have a read later when Ive got more time Just a minor thing......... Is the equation in R2 correct? =(R3-(1/G2))/SQRT(U2*(1-U2)) Shouldnt that be =(U2-(1/G2))/SQRT(U2*(1-U2)) making it 4.5%

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Re: excel help using shin FLB think its wrong so deleted it back to the drawing board :O/ ill leave the papers up maybe someone else can get it to work not a jumps fan so will have all winter to play with it good luck an i hope it makes someone a little or a lot richer :O)

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Re: excel help using shin FLB reading other papers to make this efficient 3 prices should be used opening price,middle price(30 mins b4 off) and starting price now i dont have the software yet to make this possible as i dont know a thing about vba but i think using a site like odds checker and scraping the op/mp then possibly using a code to get the prices 2 mins b4 the off maybe a better indication of the winner if its an efficient market loads to take in but sounds good

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Re: excel help using shin FLB im hoping if i understand shins sheets correctly that a race has 2 ggs in it A-B or Fav-Outsider col F=odds col G=% col H=1st attempt at FLB col I=2nd attempt at FLB col J/k are the over all % chance of winning col LMN are my attempts at handicapping a race from data i get trail an error at the mo as im still unsure if i have read an understood shins papers properly

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