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DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What??


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Well after a disappointing run at the Goliath were I got unlucky in two crucial hands that would have given me 80K in chips and a command of the table , and also being too tired to play online poker due to long hours at work over the summer holidays , I am back to sensible hours and feeling more refreshed and ready to play poker. I decided to take a little stab on stars last night around 10pm depositing £10 equates to around $15 , with the intention to play some MTTs I registered for a $3.30 PLO and The Bigger $4.40 , I didn't get anything going in the PLO but made a deep run in the bigger $4.40 before going bit card dead and failing in a few bluffs I end up cashing for $11.74 for 263rd /5647. Hit the PLO 10c cash table were leave with $9 profit before win bit on Heads up games and a win a 6 man SnG taking me up to $55 before I gamble on the 50NL short stack tables losing $30 mostly from shoving 2 pair on river vs flopped straight. I then get back up to $52 playing hyper turbo HU to end the night. Starting back today playing a $3.50 HU which I won then continued to win 5 $7 in a row (4 NL then 1 PLO) taking me over $85 , before winning 2 and losing 2. before I slow it down with a $7 6 Max SnG which I ran pretty hot in and took down for $24 taking me over $100 barrier. So my bankroll stands at $106

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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What??

Well after a disappointing run at the Goliath were I got unlucky in two crucial hands that would have given me 80K in chips and a command of the table , and also being too tired to play online poker due to long hours at work over the summer holidays , I am back to sensible hours and feeling more refreshed and ready to play poker. I decided to take a little stab on stars last night around 10pm depositing £10 equates to around $15 , with the intention to play some MTTs I registered for a $3.30 PLO and The Bigger $4.40 , I didn't get anything going in the PLO but made a deep run in the bigger $4.40 before going bit card dead and failing in a few bluffs I end up cashing for $11.74 for 263rd /5647. Hit the PLO 10c cash table were leave with $9 profit before win bit on Heads up games and a win a 6 man SnG taking me up to $55 before I gamble on the 50NL short stack tables losing $30 mostly from shoving 2 pair on river vs flopped straight. I then get back up to $52 playing hyper turbo HU to end the night. Starting back today playing a $3.50 HU which I won then continued to win 5 $7 in a row (4 NL then 1 PLO) taking me over $85 , before winning 2 and losing 2. before I slow it down with a $7 6 Max SnG which I ran pretty hot in and took down for $24 taking me over $100 barrier. So my bankroll stands at $106
Not really sure where you are going with this thread Dan - but my highlight in red says it all really, it's all well that you want to spin a few $ up but at least try/sticking to one format of game at least, the highlighted games say it all, i/we have advised you in the past to stick to one format and find a game that where you feel most comfortable playing with which you feel you have an edge in at least. Good luck in what you are trying, but also trying listening to our advice from more experienced people that's what we are here for.
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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What?? My raw game I feel comfortable I struggle to stick to MTTs as I cant but in the volume levels , but when I lose in a MTT I want to immediately win it back in a hyper turbo heads up , I then play a 6 max with hope of making a big impact on spinning it up. Trouble is I don't even know what my target is for spinning it up , I feel my key strengths are Heads Up where I can utilise my aggro factor with ability to be disciplined when playing how know can , I am probably better at PLO 6 Max cash tables than No Limit tho. My first goal is to try and at least stick to one format during each session though I do struggle with this. On a side note I am down to $93.93 but could nearly been so much worse as I tilted onto $15 Hyper Turbos where went down to $65 before registered for one if lose I'm back down to $50 luckily I win 2 on the bounce now I am relaxed again.

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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What??

My raw game I feel comfortable I struggle to stick to MTTs as I cant but in the volume levels ' date=' [b']but when I lose in a MTT I want to immediately win it back in a hyper turbo heads up , I then play a 6 max with hope of making a big impact on spinning it up.
I can understand you frustration in not cashing in an MTT but to be honest its not that easy cashing in mtts and for those of us that do it is purely down to volume rather than playing the odd game and having a cash. A few of us cash more regularly than others as that is our chosen field to play in so are far more experienced in playing mtts, you asked any of the regular members and they will tell you that they rarely dabble in other areas. Also i believe that your tilt factor is a big problem with yourself and something that you need to learn to control rather than chasing losses on a cash table, we all take bad beats and all deal with them differently its just part of the game.
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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What?? I worked out what I am going to do for now as I feel it is my biggest edge in the long term and short term , for the moment I am on $72 after more lack of tilt control And my goal is to make a profit from 25x $3.50 4man shoot out and take it from there

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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What?? $3.50 Heads Up 4 Man Shootout : 1. Lost in Final 2. Lost in Final ( painful fashion with A10 vs A3 pre flop came A 10 3 , turn blank river 3 then my 99 couldnt beat K8 AIPF ) 3. 1st Round 99 vs KK 4. Won got in AK vs AQ 5. Won got all in with 74clubs on 45Q rainbow after he shoved a little over pot after 3 betting pre I fade his AK 6. Lost 1st Round AJ > A4

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Re: DanShot Typical Spin Up Now What?? So yeah in the same vein I cant seem to win any flips tonight whatsoever leaving me with $10 from VIP Bonus left and about 90fpp to work with. Lost 75% of flips at least tonight , then with my last $7 buy in heads get all in on the turn on 4556 board 2 diamonds I hold 32 for straight he holds 69off and hits miracle 6 on river. I really wish I had a idea why I don't seem to get the luck in key situations as this has happened before obviously it not optimal playing high variance but I always seem to run below EV in big pots , maybe I am on some kind of life tilt that back fires but I just have no clues of my goals anymore. I have $10 and regret leaving my $3.50 challenge as seemed to start off well , as no need to take the flips that are deserting me , I realise that ranting a lot about my struggles lately just trying to find my route

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