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I hate Poker


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Hi guys, After less than a month of playing BillHill poker, I'm getting fed up. I'm over £100 down playing £10+1 an £20+1 STT... I have been placed 4th so many times and have so many cr*p hands and beaten in the showdown so many times when I initially have the better hand!! It's sooo frustrating!! :wall I've got £50 left in my account and after that's gone, that's it! So... what do you guys reckon I should play to win back my money :hope ? Are STTs the way to go? Or shall I take my £50 to the cash tables and try my luck there?

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Re: I hate Poker Hi kungfu...some advice I gave elsewhere in the forum You must remember even the best players in the world go through horrible losing streaks every so often.....it's one of the facets of the game thats unavoidable. What you have to do when you are having one (like you are now) is analyze it. Why are you being knocked out early? Are you having a lot of bad beats? If this is the case then there is nothing you can do about it and it happens to everyone - you must be honest with yourself here tho and not blame bad play as a "bad beat" - look at where all the chips went in the pot and if you were favourite to win at that point in time and you lost then you suffered a bad beat - If you raised 15 chips with AA and then called all in for a 1000 on a flop of 992 to be beaten by 910 this is not a bad beat!! You could also be suffering a lot of cold decks against you? This is where you end up in a situation that is unavoidable in the sense you are going to lose your entire stack no matter what happens. Like for example if you held 99 and your opponent 1010 and the flop was 1092 - there is noone that wouldnt commit all in on that flop. If this is the case then you just must accept the fact you have been unlucky and that cold decks will happen just as many times in your favour as they will against you and wait for your luck to change. If you look at your past losses and decide that you have not been the victim of bad beats or cold decks you have to analayze your play and see where you went wrong. Are you calling too much with weaker hands when you should be folding and not paying your opponents off? Are you not playing your good hands aggressively enough to get paid well on them? Are you not making your opponents pay for draws? Are you yourself chasing draws when you dont have the pot/implied odds to do so? Are you bluffing too much - or being bluffed too much? Are you not being aggressive enough when down to 4 players? If you work out where you are going wrong you can fix it and then hopefully your results will change. I wouldn't go to the cash tables as it sounds like you are on tilt with poker in general! Chin up tho kung fu trust me everyone who players poker goes through losing streaks at some time, stick to the STT and you will see it improve eventually. You could always join us at paradisepoker.com tonight in the punters lounge poker league to chill out ;) Jez

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Re: I hate Poker Hi Jezza, I would say that 70% are bad beats and 30% is bad play. I usually play quite tight, esp when the blinds go up. When the blinds are low I play all sorts to see the flop cheaply. When the blinds go high I usually only play decent hands. If I have no hands for a long time, happens frequently, then I am forced to play a average hand and invariably lose. I guess you will say this is a bad tactic... I've had full houses beaten by a higher full house after going all in and also noticed that flushes and straights happen very often, a lot more often than 3 of a kind. After losing one and coming 10th place in a MTT yesterday I still have £50...

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Re: I hate Poker It's not too bad a play to see a lot of flops cheaply when you are playing no limit hold em as you have GIGANTIC (somesones entire stack) implied odds (but bear in mind it is probably wiser to be in with 74o than a K6s for the "second best hand" danger") but really I would advise you to try to play tight in the early stages. When the blinds go up to a big level this is when you should be a little looser and more inclined to raise peoples blinds with lesser holdings, as the prize for them folding is bigger. This way you might find yourself ending up with a bigger stack when the confrontations come around. Jez

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