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What to do if the phone rings?


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Scenario : Your son is with your parents, and your missy is away. You have peace and quiet. Youve played a freeroll for 3 hours and in a great position going for that $100 first place. Currently sat in 15 / 32 with an average stack with lots of time. The phone rings..........and its your parents who star confusing childcare plans for the next 2 days, obviously a very important part of life given i am a lone parent for a few days and im working. Now your dad is normally straight to the point but for some reason this time hes failing to answer your simple questions. With anger and rage already simmering you lose 1/2 your stack playing a hand you would never have done. You want to put the phone down but childcare is more important than a poker match.......... So dad passes the phone to mum who has 3 gold medals in "telephoning talking about nothing much" - shes a master in the art of this..........within the next 10 minutes youre really raged............shes talking garbage.........repeating herself over and over even when you try and cut her to the point............the inevitable happens..........you make a crazy shove with A6 and youre out in 30th place...........3 hours are wasted for a $2 win only............ Should i have ignored the phone? I cant really because they have my son and i need him home Should i have sat out - dont think i really could. With blinds 1/2k and a stack of 40k a 26 minute phone call sit out at this critical stage would have been devastating to the chip stack. Doh! poker!

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